A Quote by Mike Gallagher

Jesse Jackson is a master of the old expression that it doesn't matter what someone says about you as long as they spell your name right. — © Mike Gallagher
Jesse Jackson is a master of the old expression that it doesn't matter what someone says about you as long as they spell your name right.
Question: Does it frost Jackson, Jesse Jackson, that someone like Obama, who fits the stereotype blacks once labeled as an Oreo -- a black on the outside, a white on the inside -- that an Oreo should be the beneficiary of the long civil rights struggle which Jesse Jackson spent his lifetime fighting for?
My publicist always said as long as they pronounce your name or spell your name right, it's all good.
I don't care what the newspapers say about me as long as they spell my name right.
When I used to work for Reverend Jesse Jackson he would say, "You've got to know the rules in order to break the rules." The 1988 campaign of Reverend Jesse Jackson made fundamental changes to the way Democrats do business.
A disciple came to the celebrated Master of the Good Name with a question. “Rabbi, how are we to distinguish between a true master and a fake?” And the master of the good name said, “When you meet a person who poses as a master, ask him a question: whether he knows how to purify your thoughts. If he says that he knows, then he is a fake.
Never worry about bad press. All that matters is if they spell your name right.
Never worry about bad press: All that matters is if they spell your name right.
I find Jesse Jackson to be religiously, progressively old fashioned.
Don't drink too much." "When I can spell out your name in shot glasses, I'll stop." "I'll have to get a shorter name." "I'll have to forget how to spell it.
I don't care what you say about me, as long as you say something about me, and as long as you spell my name right.
Jesse Jackson's in trouble. They're going after this tax thing. Jesse said he will amend his taxes to show the money that he paid to his mistress. See, he has just one mistress. Jesse uses the standard mistress deduction. As opposed to Clinton, who had to itemize.
I'm in show business... I want to hang out with Janet Jackson, not Jesse Jackson.
The difference between me and them is that I'll look at Jesse Jackson and I'll see four Jesse Jacksons, and they'll just see one, the clown ambulance chaser.
Jesse Jackson's wife was arrested in Puerto Rico while protesting the naval bombings there. Jesse said he was holding a meeting with four of his secretaries to decide what to do and that these meetings could run well into the night.
There’s an old writing rule that says ‘Don’t have two character names start with the same letter’, but I knew at the beginning that I was going to have more than 26 characters, so I was in trouble there. Ultimately it comes down to what sounds right. And I struggle with that, finding the right name for a character. If I can’t find the right name I don’t know who the character is and I can’t proceed.
One thing of the many things that I know about Jesse Jackson, he is persistent.
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