A Quote by Mike Krzyzewski

My hunger is not for success, it is for excellence. Because when you attain excellence, success just naturally follows. — © Mike Krzyzewski
My hunger is not for success, it is for excellence. Because when you attain excellence, success just naturally follows.
In a person's career, well, if you're process-oriented and not totally outcome-oriented, then you're more likely to be success. I often say 'pursue excellence, ignore success.' Success is a by-product of excellence.
I often say 'pursue excellence, ignore success.' Success is a by-product of excellence.
The desire of excellence is the necessary attribute of those who excel. We work little for a thing unless we wish for it. But we cannot of ourselves estimate the degree of our success in what we strive for; that task is left to others. With the desire for excellence comes, therefore, the desire for approbation. And this distinguishes intellectual excellence from moral excellence; for the latter has no necessity of human tribunal; it is more inclined to shrink from the public than to invite the public to be its judge.
Success and excellence are not the same. Excellence grows within a person, is largely within that person's control, and its meaning lasts. Success is measured externally, by comparison to others, is often outside our control, and is perishable.
Those who attain any excellence, commonly spend life in one pursuit; for excellence is not often gained upon easier terms.
Every activity performed in public can attain an excellence never matched in privacy; for excellence, by definition, the presence of others is always required.
If you focus on success, you’ll have stress. But if you pursue excellence, success will be guaranteed.
Excellence is THE trend of the '80s. Walk into any shopping mall bookstore, go to the rack where they keep the best-sellers such as Garfield Gets Spayed, and you'll see a half-dozen books telling you how to be excellent: In Search of Excellence, Finding Excellence, Grasping Hold of Excellence, Where to Hide Your Excellence at Night So the Cleaning Personnel Don't Steal It, etc.
Desire is the key to motivation, but it's determination and commitment to an unrelenting pursuit of your goal - a commitment to excellence - that will enable you to attain the success you seek.
Desire is the key to motivation, but it's the determination and commitment to unrelenting pursuit of your goal - a commitment to excellence - that will enable you to attain the success you seek.
Do your best at every job. Don't sleep! Success generates more success so be hungry for it. Hire good people with a passion for excellence.
Success is about having, excellence is about being. Success is about having money and fame, but excellence is being the best you can be.
I would urge that the yeast of education is the idea of excellence, and the idea of excellence comprises as many forms as there are individuals, each of whom develops his own image of excellence. The school must have as one of its principal functions the nurturing of images of excellence.
As the excellence of steel is strength, and the excellence of art is beauty, so the excellence of mankind is moral character.
Excellence is an art won by training and habituation. We do not act rightly because we have virtue or excellence, but we rather have those because we have acted rightly. We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act but a habit.
The love of fame is almost another name for the love of excellence; or it is the ambition to attain the highest excellence, sanctioned by the highest authority, that of time.
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