A Quote by Mike Scully

When you do a film as unique and original as 'Napoleon Dynamite,' it's hard then try to repeat what audiences loved the first time. — © Mike Scully
When you do a film as unique and original as 'Napoleon Dynamite,' it's hard then try to repeat what audiences loved the first time.
I loved it, it's such fun. I like that people are seeing it and then talking about it. Like when I took my son and his friends to see Napoleon Dynamite last year, we spent the next six weeks trying to explain it.
A guy like Benoit, he's really good and a lot like Dynamite. Dynamite, just because he was the original, was the best. But, you know, Benoit now is by far better. Dynamite Kid is nothing now.
The more money you spend, the more you need to make back, and the more pressure there is to appeal to everyone - which to the studio means that the specificity and uniqueness must be watered down. But I think mass audiences like things that are more specific and tend to have a voice, like 'Napoleon Dynamite' or 'Superbad.'
'Napoleon Dynamite' blew up my career.
'Time to Dance' is a very unique film as entire team has really worked hard. I am not playing dancer's role but I always try to entertain my audience no matter if it is serious or comedy role.
I try to work on a film that my audiences would appreciate and enjoy their time in a theatre.
It's a privilege. It's a real honor. It's a challenge. Michael and I always feel we stand on tall shoulders when we make these films. Audiences come to them with a lot of good will because of what's come before. We just try to make the best film we can, each time, and hope that we satisfy the fans. I'm sure, with Skyfall, that we will. I think it's a terrific film. I hope the audiences enjoy it, as much as we've enjoyed making it.
The idea of 'Napoleon Dynamite' as an animated series made perfect sense to me.
The new French theme park based on Napoleon is named Napoleon's Bivouac, and will honor Napoleon with rides, battle reenactments, and the brutal March on Moscow ride. That's a walk-in freezer you stand in for 18 months while you try to eat a dead horse.
When I was younger, I definitely thought musical theater was sort of more pure than film. I used to say I'd never go to film because we had to get it right the first time in musical theater. But then, of course, I started doing film and realized I loved it. Keep in mind that I was 8 years old when I said that.
I try to construct a picture in which shapes, spaces, colors, form a set of unique relationships, independent of any subject matter. At the same time I try to capture and translate the excitement and emotion aroused in me by the impact with the original idea.
I loved 'Welcome to the Dollhouse.' That was one of the most influential movies ever. You know that genre with the nerdy girl, and she redeems herself in the end. Like 'Napoleon Dynamite.' And in 'Welcome to the Dollhouse,' she doesn't. She sucks. It's like, that's what's real. That's what's heartbreaking.
Go as hard as you can on the first piece and then pray that you get switched. Repeat.
I get more people approaching me about how good I was in 'Napoleon Dynamite' than being in Coldplay.
I think the original Matrix was really incredible. It was so original and it did so many innovative things with film. It was a much bigger film. Bound was just a smaller film. It was kind of like an old noir film.
I think the original Matrix was really incredible. It was so original and it did so many innovative things with film. It was a much bigger film. Bound was just a smaller film. It was kind of like an old noir film
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