A Quote by Mike Tyson

I try my best to learn from other people's mistakes. I have a lot of respect for people who can change. — © Mike Tyson
I try my best to learn from other people's mistakes. I have a lot of respect for people who can change.
Certainly we have made mistakes, but you try and learn from your mistakes. And the most important thing is always to move forward and, I think, empower people to do their best, and to lead. I think people respect that and work better under those circumstances.
It's important to learn from your mistakes, but it is BETTER to learn from other people's mistakes, and it is BEST to learn from other people's successes. It accelerates your own success.
They say that there are three kinds of people in the world. There are people who never learn one way or another anything; there are people who learn from their own mistakes, eventually and with great pain; and then there are the really wise people who learn from other people's mistakes and spare themselves the suffering.
People who make mistakes but try their best, other people will support. But people who make mistakes because they're lazy, nobody supports.
Rock bottom for some people is death. Some people never learn from their mistakes. They don't learn from other people's mistakes.
I made a lot of mistakes, a lot of things I'm not proud of. But it's only for other people to learn from.
Mistakes are the best teachers. One does not learn from success. It is desirable to learn vicariously from other people's failures, but it gets much more firmly seared in when they are your own.
There are a lot of people in the animal rights movement who can be very passionate and aggressive, and I applaud people's passion, but when people are judgmental and aggressive, all you end up doing is getting other people to turn away in irritation. To change people's minds, you have to respect the people you're talking to.
Over the years since then though, I couldn't even begin to try and count all the mistakes I've made but also, all the joys I've found while traveling on the road. So in living this kind of lifestyle day in and day out for that many years you learn. You learn a lot about yourself. You learn a lot about how people should be treated and how they should treat each other. For the most part, I've really learned patience, temperament and fairness all around.
Always try to learn from other people's mistakes, not your own- it is much cheaper that way!
It's good to learn from your mistakes. It's better to learn from other people's mistakes.
Be open to other people's opinions, ideas, and try new things. One of the best ways to learn is to feed off other people's experiences.
You try and learn from some people's mistakes. But you have to really trust the people who are working for you because they make a lot of decisions that could either do well for you or really screw up your image.
You learn from the mistakes you make and from the mistakes other people make. The truth is, you don't learn from success; you learn from failure.
Fail is a verb not a noun, most people think that when they fail, they become a noun and call themselves failures. People have to learn from their mistakes just as children learn to ride bicycles by falling off bicycles. Mistakes can be priceless if we are willing to learn from them because the price to becoming rich is the willingness to make mistakes and learn from them without blaming or justifying
If I had to give you one piece of advice, it would be this: don’t be intimidated by other people’s opinions. Only mediocrity is sure of itself, so take risks and do what you really want to do. Seek out people who aren’t afraid of making mistakes and who, therefore, do make mistakes. Because of that, their work often isn’t recognized, but they are precisely the kind of people who change the world and, after many mistakes, do something that will transform their own community completely.
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