A Quote by Milton Berle

I like to think of myself as the middleman between Fred Allen and Henny Youngman. — © Milton Berle
I like to think of myself as the middleman between Fred Allen and Henny Youngman.
I sometimes use a girl singer the way Henny Youngman uses his violin - as a bridge between one laugh and the next.
My dad loved comedians, especially George Jessel, and he loved Henny Youngman and Buddy Hackett.
In high school football, the coach kept me on the bench all year. On the last game of the season, the crowd was yelling, We want Youngman! We want Youngman! The coach says, Youngman - go see what they want!
I don't mind personal insults, but when you insult the jokes that I tell you're insulting Fred Allen, Bob Hope, Burns and Allen, Trevor McGee and Molly Picon.
The story [Henny-Penny] has the best opening in all literature-"The sky is falling," cried Henny-Penny, "and a piece of it fell on my tail.
Fred Astaire. Not a handsome man. He said himself he couldn't sing. He was balding his whole life. He danced like a cheetah runs with the grace of the first creation. I mean, that first week. On one of those days God created Fred Astaire. Saturday maybe, since that was the day for the pictures. When you s Fred you felt better about everything. He was a cure. He was bottled in the films and all around the earth, from Castlebar to Cairo, he healed the halt and the blind. That's the gospel truth. St. Fred. Fred the Redeemer.
The media is the great middleman. Trump doesn't need a middleman to get his message out. Trump's crowds are five blocks long.
I think Woody Allen is Woody Allen, and no matter where he goes he still makes his Woody Allen films.
Let me die a youngman's death not a clean and in-between- the-sheets, holy-water death.
Look at Allen Ginsberg. In poems like 'Kaddish' and 'Howl,' you can hear a cantor between the lines. It's fully alive, and I think that's what's missing in modern poetry. It's too dry and cerebral.
I think if I was like Fred Astaire out there or like break dance fighting and doing crazy splits and stuff like that I think people would be like, 'ehhhh, I'm just going to watch him,' but the fact that they're like, 'I can do that,' it's fun and I think they lose themselves.
With piracy, people think it's about getting stuff for free. It's not - it's about getting rid of the middleman that stands between you and your enjoyment of the film or music.
Corduroy hits the sweet spot between jeans and slacks. They're a trouser middleman.
Mick Jagger moves like a parody between a majorette girl and Fred Astaire.
Jack Benny, Fred Allen. Their jokes were wonderful. It takes skill to be funny. The timing of Jack Benny was so fine. It is a form of genius for which we should be grateful.
Fred and George turned to each other and said together, "Wow, we're identical!" "I dunno though, I think I'm still better looking," said Fred, examining his reflection in the kettle.
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