A Quote by Mohsin Hamid

Empathy is about finding echoes of another person in yourself. — © Mohsin Hamid
Empathy is about finding echoes of another person in yourself.
It's - you know, acting's all about relatability and finding empathy for a character, which is essentially, kind of, you're finding empathy with a part of yourself, which is a part of a character that was written by someone else, which was essentially kind of a part of them as well because it was a voice in their head they wrote down.
What you feel about another person, what you think or say about another person, what you do to another person – you do to you. Give judgment and criticism and you give it to yourself. Give love and appreciation to another person or anything, and you give it to yourself.
And maybe it is only by finding yourself that you can feel the true intensity of becoming close to another person.
Finding another person to love is finding another person to lose.
Reading can almost be viewed as empathy training. Movies have better action scenes, sure. But books are uniquely suited to showing you the inside of another person's head. That is the root of empathy. That's the first step to understanding you're not alone in the world.
If possible, try to talk good about others, always. By telling good about another person, you will help yourself and another person.
Writing is weaponized empathy. It's putting yourself in someone else's head. It's finding what's in them that relates to you.
the novel is inherently a political instrument, regardless of its subject. It invites you - more than invites you, induces you - to live inside another person's skin. It creates empathy. And that's the antidote to bigotry. The novel doesn't just tell you about another life, which is what a newspaper would do. It makes you live another life, inhabit another perspective. And that's very important.
It is human nature to imagine, to put yourself in another's shoes. The past may be another country. But the only passport required is empathy.
Empathy provides more than just information about relationships. It is an expression of being in relationship. It is not just a means to better healing relationship, but because it recenters relationship as a central organizing feature of psychic life, empathy itself is healing. The experience of being known and accepted deeply by another, being aware of another being aware of you, what Jordan calls "mutual empathy".
Negotiation is empathy. It's almost trite to say that if you can't put yourself in the seat of the other person you're speaking with, you're not going to do well. It's not about being a bully, not about making offers people can't refuse.
When you listen with empathy to another person, you give that person psychological air.
Empathy is forgetting oneself in the joys and sorrows of another, so much so that you actually feel that the joy or sorrow experienced by another is your own joy and sorrow. Empathy involves complete identification with another.
Sympathy relies on a common experience. If you're clumsy, you might have sympathy for others who tend to bump into things. Empathy, on the other hand, is the ability to understand another person's feelings even if you've never experienced them yourself.
It's in understanding yourself deeply that you can lend yourself to another person's circumstances and another person's experience.
I'm just tired of everything…even of the echoes. There is nothing in my life but echoes…echoes of lost hopes and dreams and joys. They're beautiful and mocking.
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