A Quote by Nadia Giosia

I was a ravenous child. I'm a ravenous adult. I love to eat. — © Nadia Giosia
I was a ravenous child. I'm a ravenous adult. I love to eat.

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And from my character's point-of-view in Ravenous, he had been collected by Robert Carlyle's character, he had become infected by this ravenous, cannibalistic power, and he was making the best of it.
I am born hungry. Ravenous. I want to eat the world, and I can never be satiated.
I always eat breakfast as I've just come out of gym and I'm ravenous for protein.
[Their love] had burned itself out, like a forgotten candle in an empty room, leaving behind a ravenous discontent.
A sure cure for boredom: fast until you are ravenous.
My understanding is, the fans are so ravenous in Canada, they gnaw on the stars.
I think you need a leadership team that is absolutely ravenous to get at the truth.
I've always been pretty ravenous about pop culture, highbrow and lowbrow.
The gigantic intellect, the envious temper, the ravenous ambition and the rotten heart of Daniel Webster.
She thought she was independent and strong, but she got one small taste of love and she was hungrier than anyone. She was ravenous.
Everyone nowadays lives through too much and thinks through too little: they have a ravenous appetite and colic at the same time so that they keep getting thinner and thinner no matter how much they eat.--Whoever says nowadays, "I have not experienced anything"--is a simpleton.
Laissez-faire, supply and demand-one begins to be weary of all that. Leave all to egotism, to ravenous greed of money, of pleasure, of applause-it is the gospel of despair.
Dazed and disoriented, I looked up from the bright red blood pulsing out of my arm - into the fevered eyes of the six suddenly ravenous vampires.
It disturbs me no more to find men base, unjust, or selfish than to see apes mischievous, wolves savage, or the vulture ravenous.
I was ravenous for my child and took to gorging myself in the boneyard, hoping that she might possibly meet me halfway, or just beyond, one night, if only for an instant—step back into her own bare feet, onto the wet grass or fallen leaves or snowy ground of the living Enon, so that we could share just one last human word.
The man who pets a lion may tame it, but the man who coddles the body makes it ravenous.
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