When the urgent crowds out the important, people urgently accomplish nothing of value.
Crowds of bees are giddy with clover
Crowds of grasshoppers skip at our feet,
Crowds of larks at their matins hang over,
Thanking the Lord for a life so sweet.
Don't let the urgent take the place of the important in your life... When you and I were putting out the fires of the urgent, the important was again left in a holding pattern.
If I were to let my life be taken over by what is urgent, I might very well never get around to what is essential.
The 'wisdom of the crowds' is the most ridiculous statement I've heard in my life. Crowds are dumb.
Crowds of men are like crowds of sheep. Not the best, but the first leader is usually followed.
It takes people to move crowds in the right direction, crowds by themselves just stand around and mutter.
Crowds of minds can be wise, but crowds of bodies just aren't.
My hatred of crowds, the obviousness of crowds, of anything en masse. Is this why I like little-known books? A general desire to escape the main world.
I think the crowds in Europe are songwriter crowds. Like, they are a fan of the words, and they're there to listen. An American crowd, they're there to get rowdy, man. And I love both.
You must distinguish between what is urgent and what is important. You could accomplish all of the urgent things that you desire without accomplishing anything that is important.
Nowhere is one more alone than in Paris ... and yet surrounded by crowds. Nowhere is one more likely to incur greater ridicule. And no visit is more essential.
If you work in an urgent-only culture, the only solution is to make the right things urgent.
Crowds prevent you to see the infinite horizons; get rid of the crowds and open your horizons.
Loneliness is a good education. You learn the things no crowds can teach and you discover the things no crowds can give.
Hey, we've all been to high school We've seen the in-crowds. Most of us have been in the outer crowds, the people who weren't in. Although I was never in, I was selling records and was very happy.