A Quote by Napoleon Bonaparte

I have seen only yoU, I have admired only yoU, I desire only You — © Napoleon Bonaparte
I have seen only yoU, I have admired only yoU, I desire only You
Religion, if in heavenly truths attired, Needs only to be seen to be admired.
The desire to see and the desire to ratify what one has seen are desires at odds with one another, if only because they proceed from separate places in the imagination.
This is my creed: Happiness is the only good; reason the only torch; justice the only worship, humanity the only religion, and love the only priest.
The passion for praise, which is so very vehement in the fair sex, produces excellent effects in women of sense, who desire to be admired for that which only deserves admiration.
Humility is the only lens though which great things can be seen--and once we have seen them, humility is the only posture possible.
Realism gives me the impression of a mistake. Violence alone escapes the feeling of poverty of those realistic experiences. Only death and desire have the force that oppresses, that takes one's breath away. Only the extremism of desire and death enable one to attain the truth.
The complacent, the self-indulgent, the soft societies are about to be swept away with the debris of history. Only the strong, only the industrious, only the determined, only the courageous, only the visionary who determine the real nature of our struggle can possibly survive.
My only desire is an intimate infusion with nature, and the only fate I wish is to have worked and lived in harmony with her laws.
What is a television apparatus to man, who has only to shut his eyes to see the most inaccessible regions of the seen and the never seen, who has only to imagine in order to pierce through walls and cause all the planetary Baghdads of his dreams to rise from the dust.
Some virtues are only seen in affliction and others only in prosperity.
There are forms that can only be seen when you are near a painting, others only appear when you are far away.
I hate war as only a soldier who has lived it can, only as one who has seen its brutality, its futility, its stupidity.
Beauty is only to be admired, only to be loved - to be harvested carefully and then flung at a chosen lover like a gift of roses. It seems to me, so far as I can judge clearly at all, that my beauty would be used like that.
It was strange to think that all the great women of fiction were, until Jane Austen's day, not only seen by the other sex, but seen only in relation to the other sex. And how small a part of woman's life is that.
The only ugliness is that of the heart, seen through the face. And though beauty be obvious, the only loveliness is invisible.
True prayer is only another name for the love of God. Its excellence does not consist in the multitude of our words; for our Father knoweth what things we have need of before we ask Him. The true prayer is that of the heart, and the heart prays only for what it desires. To pray, then is to desire -- but to desire what God would have us desire. He who asks what he does not from the bottom of his heart desire, is mistaken in thinking that he prays.
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