A Quote by Narciso Rodriguez

Many of my clients have become close friends, and that informs the clothing I design for them. Julianna Margulies was introduced to me by her publicist many years ago, and we've been good friends ever since.
I have experienced a murderer among my friends. Many, many years ago. At close range I have seen the impact of it. I knew the victim, I went to the funeral, I have been to the house, to the specific room where the killing took place, and I was stunned by it. It's such a blow.
Many years ago... many, many years ago, I brought up a boy, and I said to him, 'Son, if you ever become a writer, try to write a good part for your old man sometime.' Well, by cracky, that's what he did!
I have been blessed to have managed to make many good friends in the industry over the years. There are a few who are your best friends and you do have soul-friends too.
I don't know, it's very difficult if you're in a strange country to just barge in and say, "Hello, I'm Warren MacKenzie, and aren't you happy to have me as a guest," you know? But artists did accept us and we remained friends for many, many years, many of them as long as they lived; like Lucie Rie and Hans Coper were very good friends, and it was wonderful.
Many of the crew members I work with and continue to work with were friends or have become close friends, and so we keep working together. And I like casting friends of mine or people I know in parts I know would be perfect for them. I like to bring things and people that mean something to me in to my work.
DJ Qualls and I have been best friends for I don't even know how long - since I was a kid, 14, 15, many, many years.
For so many years, fans and friends have been wanting me to succeed and be back on TV every week, which hasn't happened since 'Full House.' I feel like I came through for them.
I do have many of the same friends I grew up with. Most I've known since we were three or four years old! I have made new friends as well.
I don't know how to put it, but I don't have many friends. All my friends circle was in Madras, and I lost touch with them. But I'm friends with all my directors, and they are very important for me.
The reason why many clients don't value design is because haven't had a designer prove to them the value of it. You need to prove it to clients who've hired a bunch of shitty designers and their business has not been that successful. When they hire a good designer, they see the difference.
I gotta tell you, I don't have many close friends, and if I do wind up making friends with somebody, it takes me a long time, usually.
Many years ago when I first started my career Maradona told me "to enjoy and play as you know", and that's stayed with me ever since and is the best advice I've been given.
'EastEnders' has been wonderful to me and it's no secret that it changed my life all of those years ago. I'll be so sad to leave Peggy behind; she's such a wonderful character to play. I have had the pleasure of working with a marvelous cast and crew and have made many lasting good friends.
Creating a close connection to those you do business with has its many risks, rewards and consequences. There are few things in business I have encountered that are more difficult than firing someone, particularly if that someone has always been, or has become a friend. On the flip side, I have been rewarded with many friends.
Baking is one of my many hobbies. I was originally introduced to baking as a child by my grandmother. I continued to bake for friends and family throughout the years for special occasions. I began to create themed treats after receiving continued requests from a lot of my friends.
Mariacarla Boscono has taught me a lot, and I have been lucky enough to become good friends with so many amazing models.
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