A Quote by Nargis Fakhri

I don't eat white breads, and I'm off dairy due to an allergic reaction and because of what it does to the body. I've learnt a lot about different foods and how the body breaks it down and what happens when we eliminate or incorporate certain foods, and it's pretty fascinating!
My body needs a lot of protein because I exercise so much. I eat dairy, meat, and gluten, but I stay away from white flour, sugar, and processed foods.
The idea behind diet confusion is, you have to keep your body off-kilter. So by changing the type of foods that you eat, the frequency of the foods that you eat, you can keep your metabolism revved up.
When a body is in an alkaline state, it avoids disease, but when it's in an acidic state - where you're eating a lot of processed foods, meat, dairy - you're not going to have that hydration in your body, and you're not going to have that ability to fight off disease, and it's going to impact your immune system and the inflammation in your body too.
My body really reacts well to not eating a lot of wheat or dairy and staying on healthy foods.
Eat for nutrition and food value. Emphasize natural foods, avoid processed foods and eliminate junk entirely.
I would avoid any product that contains genetically modified (GMO) corn, because there are still questions regarding the long-term health effects of genetically altered foods on the human body have not been thoroughly tested. Sugars are also sneaked into tons of different foods, especially foods marketed to kids. Again, study the labels carefully before buying.
I get asked to speak to a lot of different groups, one of the best parts of my job hosting a show on the Travel Channel, 'Bizarre Foods with Andrew Zimmern.' I take viewers to the far corners of the globe and introduce them to other cultures by exploring the foods they eat - at times, pretty strange stuff.
Stop eating 'dead' foods: junk, fried, and fast foods, as well as processed carbs. They’re loaded with sugar and other additives. The more live foods we eat (fruits and vegetables), the more alive we feel. The more dead foods we eat...well, you get the idea.
Diet is a big thing. I am a firm believer in you are what you eat. I juice a lot, I try and stick to a Paleo Diet. At its core, I look at MS as inflammation, so I try and eliminate foods that cause inflammation: dairy, gluten, grains.
I mind my body by eating whole, healthy foods. I learned from Nutrisystem to eat consistently all day; otherwise, your body hoards fat. Of course, I also mind my body when it occasionally whispers, 'Marie, you need some chocolate.'
'Freedom dieters' often do well with programs that incorporate pretty basic rules, like intermittent fasting - simply don't eat for X period of time, then eat healthy foods. Very simple.
There's cleanliness to how I eat now. I'm much more in tune with my body, so now that I'm so in tune based on having become a semivegan, I can tell what foods affect energy levels. I can tell when I've been eating particularly high nutrient foods or I can tell when my glycemic levels are all over the place.
I eat very clean foods, healthy foods and drink a lot of water.
Some people just cannot take certain foods. That's all. People are allergic. Some people are allergic to orange juice, can you imagine? Orange juice is very healthy isn't it? Yet some people cannot drink it without having an allergic reaction.
I rarely eat red meat and only occasionally eat fish. Plant based foods are my main source of nutrition along with nuts, fruits, brown breads and grains.
Different foods have different effects on our body beyond their calorie count. Our metabolism, hunger, blood sugar, and hormones respond differently to different types of foods. That means that 100 calories of broccoli is not the same as 100 calories of licorice, just as 3 oz. of salmon is not the same as 3 oz. of cupcakes.
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