A Quote by Nat Hentoff

I think one thing we share [with my wife] is a complete bottomless disdain for Bill Clinton. — © Nat Hentoff
I think one thing we share [with my wife] is a complete bottomless disdain for Bill Clinton.
I do not begrudge Bill Clinton's working for his wife, but the one thing I would say is really important to President Clinton to think about right now, because of the larger megaphone he has as a former president, he really needs to be careful with the truth.
I think Hillary Clinton is a militarist. She is a political coward. The interesting thing about Hilary Clinton, like Bill Clinton dodging the draft, he never touched the Pentagon - she is in the same position.
Nuclear arms is pretty scary because that could end the world. I'm more interested in that stuff than I am Bill Clinton. I mean, I think Bill Clinton is a good president.
That was a sarcastic remark pointing out that Bill Clinton has, quite a past, and Hillary Clinton has done quite a job on attacking the people who were victims of Bill Clinton.
I cannot conjure up an ounce of respect for Bill Clinton when it comes to the military. Every time I see him salute a Marine, it infuriates me. I don't think Bill Clinton cares one iota about what happens in a military unit.
I think most people... would be glad to pay the same taxes they paid when Bill Clinton was president, if only they could have the same economy they had when Bill Clinton was president.
So 38% think that Donald Trump's not qualified to be president. How many people thought that about Bill Clinton? Bill Clinton actually did the kind of things Trump is talking about.
Bill Clinton wanted to survive. And Bill Clinton wanted to thrive, not just for himself, although that's primarily what drives Bill Clinton. He's a classic narcissist. So of course he wanted to thrive and succeed. But he also wanted America to thrive and succeed, which is why he worked with a Republican Congress.
It's the same thing he said a few months ago when he refrained from bringing up Bill's [Clinton] affairs and all the women. Even though Hillary [Clinton] was blasting him for being a sexist and so forth, [Donald] Trump refrained from bringing up Bill.
Anyone who is friends with Bill Clinton shouldn't be telling their wife about it.
At a time when the public is sour on politicians, have no use for them, Bill Clinton has risen to a different level. Bill Clinton is endlessly interesting.
Bill Clinton broke what was known as the Republican electoral lock on the presidency, and Bill Clinton won the White House in 1992. That was sort of the impossible dream for Democrats.
I met Bill Clinton; he's a very nice guy. Yeah, Bill Clinton's cool.
I do think - you look at actually what WikiLeaks came out with, most of it was just gossipy interest, except for like this Doug Band memo from a Clinton crony in black and white who explained the Clinton Foundation was a profit center for Bill Clinton and people around him.The Russians didn't make that up, that was all Hillary's [Clinton] vulnerability her own.
Had Hillary Clinton taken [Bill Clinton's advice], I think she could have mitigated her losses but I still think [Donald] Trump would have won.
The language of America changed with the election of Bill Clinton, because with all due respect to my friends on the Republican side, Bill Clinton is the best communicator of the last 50 years. He felt your pain.
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