A Quote by Natalie Gulbis

My first calendar was a combination of photos taken from different shoots including golf and casual. — © Natalie Gulbis
My first calendar was a combination of photos taken from different shoots including golf and casual.
I use photos a lot for drawing people and personalities, but they're almost never photos that I've taken.
I have a calendar life that is complicated, so I use BusyCal and Google Calendar. I keep two different browsers open to avoid some confusion.
If you design something pretty with good golf shots in it, then I think that's the combination that creates a really nice golf course.
I'm quite connected to Italy because of Italian Vogue shoots and the Pirelli calendar, so I have a love and appreciation for the culture.
The majority of my photos are taken while traveling, because everything feels new and exciting initially. Taking photos is like a way to make sense of the overwhelming.
Using the correct apps can completely change how your photos look. It's really exciting because once you've already taken a good photo, it can become 10 times better if you use the right combination of apps. My favorites are VSCO Cam, Afterlight, Facetune and SKRWT.
I had always taken photos - always, always taken photos, made movies.
My first big one-person show was basically a combination of my family, me during puberty, embarrassing newspaper articles that were written about me in high school, my first modeling photos, and terrible things that people said about me on the Internet.
The most striking feature of the new is the sheer mass. Photography was previously a mass phenomenon, but now, quantity is doubtless the outstanding quality. For a long time photos have been taken frequently and everywhere, but now photos are taken permanently and everywhere,... What is new is that we can watch them practically in real time.
You're always struggling because you're not playing on a 53-and-a-third by a 120-yard field. You're not playing on a baseball diamond. With golf, every field is different and every atmosphere is different. The grass is different. The weather is different. You're outside. You're not in a stadium. There are so many different variables, so you never master golf. So, I think good athletes like a challenge.
When an archer shoots for enjoyment, he has all his skill; when he shoots for a brass buckle, he gets nervous; when he shoots for a prize of gold, he begins to see two targets.
I was in the Rockin' Vicars, which was the first British band to tour behind the Iron Curtain. A lot of photos were taken of us next to milk churns.
The camera's perspective exactly matches that of the assassin: it now shoots the tourists shooting their own memorial photos, and we can watch this in real time.
Photos convey a point in time, so for casual snapshots I say wear the trends so you have fun images to look back at.
I try to dress a little casual before my photo-shoots. I can be comfortable before I go into my... transition.
I've done golf and fitness shoots, but in those I'm still fairly covered up.
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