A Quote by Natalya Neidhart

As for my own fitness, with my packed schedule, I try to mix it up with different things every day. That includes powerlifting, isometrics, yoga, sprints, jogging, and, of course, wrestling. I've learned that all you need to do is move and do different things to challenge yourself.
I try and get on my yoga mat at least three times a week, and if I don't, things start to unravel. I admire routine and ritual, but I am not inherently good at keeping a schedule. I eat at different times every day, I wake up at different times, I change my mind about things I was so sure of the day before. Perhaps I am too passionate, too willing to bend the rules in the name of fun, or to pass the time, or who knows what? Being on stage is truly what puts it all into perspective, and after I get on stage, I take a moment to reflect, and I am set for another 24 hours.
I've learned that I can't have a packed work schedule and a packed social schedule and a packed personal life; I need to just have time to myself to sit and breathe and unwind.
I think everyone deals with things in their own way. Everybody's different. My family are all different. None of us are the same. We all deal with different things in different ways. I think it's about knowing yourself, what pushes your buttons, and figuring out how to work with yourself.
Stanford opened up a whole different perspective for me. I learned how to take my own passions and apply them to so many different topics, to open up the way I saw things and own the things that made me unique.
I think the biggest I learned when I got to the NFL is everyone is different. We have guys from all over. We believe in different things. We do different things. At the end of the day, we all come to the facility for work.
Every day, I get up to hit the gym; the schedule is such that it gives me the requisite energy to last the entire day. I stress on cardiovascular exercises, and the workout is programmed with my sporting schedule. Most of the fitness schedule is based on what I require for my upcoming matches.
I like to experiment with different things and find different uses for them. New things pop up every day - Snapchat, Vine, Parasail.
My fitness routine includes things that are not stressful on my body - swimming, yoga, stretching, and rebounding.
I try not to look at my schedule for the week because I'll get so overwhelmed. Every day, there are multiple things to be done and 10 things I don't end up accomplishing.
I can't sit still for long and need creative outlets and think you should try different things. I mean, if you're a musician all of your life, you gotta try different things. I really believe you can have it all.
My philosophy with my career is mostly to just mix it up with a little bit of everything in moderation. And that's what makes my job so great, is that I get to constantly do different things, put on different hats, be different people, and mixing up the genre really lends itself to that.
My strength is my wrestling, but I don't focus on it as much. I try to focus on a lot of different things like knees, elbows, submissions, and submission defense - just a lot of different things.
I try to have to different experiences with different people and energies and do things that will challenge me.
One of the great things about coaching is it's a different challenge every day.
Some things need to be a song. Some things need to be a play. Some things need to be a painting. Some things need to be-though I'd never be a choreographer-some things might ought to be a dance [laughs]. I've found that exploring an idea in different ways, it gives you different opportunities.
Pick one exercise a day, a different exercise each day of the week for a different body part. You're setting yourself up for success because you don't need to go to the gym, you don't need any equipment, you don't need anything.
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