A Quote by Nathan Hale

It is the duty of every good officer to obey any orders given him by his commander-in-chief. — © Nathan Hale
It is the duty of every good officer to obey any orders given him by his commander-in-chief.
It is the duty of every good officer to obey any orders given him by his commander in chief.
It is made the duty of every Commanding Officer in the Department, to arrest and send to these Headquarters, under guard, every officer or soldier who may be found absent from his command, without the regular leave in writing, prescribed by Regulations and General Orders.
When you kneel in prayer, don't give God orders, just report to your Commander in Chief for duty.
...but for a soldier his duty is plain. He is to obey the orders of all those placed over him and whip the enemy wherever he meets him.
A commander-in-chief cannot take as an excuse for his mistakes in warfare an order given by his sovereign or his minister when the person giving the order is absent from the field of operations and is imperfectly aware or wholly unaware of the latest state of affairs. It follows that any commander-in-chief who undertakes to carry out a plan which he considers defective is at fault; he must put forward his reasons, insist on the plan being changed, and finally tender his resignation rather than be the instrument of his army's downfall.
No person shall be restrained of his liberty but by regular process from a court of justice, authorized by a general law. . . . On complaint of an unlawful imprisonment to any judge whatsoever, he shall have the prisoner immediately brought before him and shall discharge him if his imprisonment be unlawful. The officer in whose custody the prisoner is shall obey the order of the judge, and both judge and officer shall be responsible civilly and criminally for a failure of duty herein.
As a military officer - and this is - I have lived my life in the national security realm - I don't think I could vote for Donald Trump, because, you know, for one, I'm not a fan of a president or a commander in chief wrapping his arms around any dictator. That's very important to me.
If any refuse to obey the common laws and orders of the ship concerning their common peace or preservation; if any shall mutiny or rise up against their commanders and officers; if any should preach or write that there should be no commanders or officers because all are equal in Christ, therefore no master or officers, no laws nor orders, nor corrections nor punishments - I say I never denied that in such cases, the commander may judge, resist, compel, and punish such transgressors according to their deserts and merits.
My duty is to obey orders.
I trust Hillary Clinton as president and commander in chief, but the thought of Donald Trump as commander in chief scares me to death.
In war the first principle is to disobey orders. Any fool can obey orders!
A robot must obey the orders given it by human beings except where such orders would conflict with the First Law. [The Second Law of Robotics]
Angels are God's messengers whose chief business is to carry out his orders in the world. He has given them an ambassadorial charge. He has designated and empowered them as holy deputies to perform works of righteousness. In this way they assist him as their creator while he sovereignly controls the universe. So he has given them the capacity to bring holy enterprises to a successful conclusion.
Give as few orders as possible," his father had told him once long ago. "Once you've given orders on a subject, you must always give orders on that subject.
I have to say that every white-collar criminal defense lawyer knows when the chief financial officer turns state's evidence, everyone in the executive suite is in a lot of trouble because the chief financial officer knows exactly where the money is coming and going.
Cabinet members may disagree and even resign in protest, but, ultimately, they must obey the order of the Commander-in-Chief.
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