A Quote by Nathaniel Buzolic

A dream shouldn't be measured by its size or scope, nor by the age or the experience of the dreamer, but rather by the passion, integrity and commitment of that dreamer to follow his or her heart
I move from dreamer to dreamer, from dream to dream, hunting for what I need. Slipping and sliding and flickering through the dreams; and the dreamer will wake, and wonder why this dream seemed different, wonder how real their lives can truly be.
Who is the ultimate dreamer? Call it as you will: God, higher consciousness, Krishna, spirit, whatever pleases you. .. One dream, one dreamer, billions of embodied characters acting out that one dream. .. Your true essence is that you are part and parcel of the one big dream.
Dreams are stories made by and for the dreamer, and each dreamer has his own folds to open and knots to untie.
The night dreamer cannot articulate a cogito. The night dream is a dream without a dreamer.
It is interesting that we call something good a “dream,” but being called a “dreamer” is somewhat of a putdown. Without dreamers, no dream would ever be given reality, and we would live in a very small and shallow world. If you are a secret dreamer, it’s your time to announce yourself.
Beautiful city! . . . spreading her gardens to the moonlight, and whispering from her towers the last enchantments of the Middle Age . . . her ineffable charm. . . . Adorable dreamer, whose heart has been so romantic!
I'm just a dreamer I dream my life away i'm just a dreamer Who dreams of better days
Not much happens without a dream. And for something great to happen, there must be a great dream. Behind every great achievement is a dreamer of great dreams. Much more than a dreamer is required to bring it to reality; but the dream must be there first.
It's not the size of the dreamer, it's the size of the dream.
It is not the size of the dreamer, it is the size of the dream.
The dreamer in her Had fallen in love with me and she did not know it. That moment the dreamer in me Fell in love with her and I knew it
I, the dreamer clinging yet to the dream as the patient clings to the last thin unbearable ecstatic instant of agony in order to sharpen the savor of the pain's surcease, waking into the reality, the more than reality, not to the unchanged and unaltered old time but into a time altered to fit the dream which, conjunctive with the dreamer, becomes immolated and apotheosized
The dreamer and his dream are the same...the powers personified in a dream are these that move the world.
A dream is like a river ever changing as it flows and a dreamer's just a vessel that must follow where it goes.
The writer by nature of his profession is a dreamer and a conscious dreamer. He must imagine, and imagination takes humility, love and great courage. How can you create a character without live and the struggle that goes with love?
The dreamer dreams, and the dreamer within the dream dreams.
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