A Quote by Natsuki Takaya

KYO, YOU DUMMKOPF!!" ~ Momiji Sohma — © Natsuki Takaya
KYO, YOU DUMMKOPF!!" ~ Momiji Sohma
Kyo Sohma: One of these days I'll make you say you're sorry Yuki Sohma: looking bored I'm sorry. Kyo Sohma: Dammit That's not what I meant Don't you have any shame Yuki Sohma: still looking annoyed Yes I'm ashamed to be seen with you shouting in public. Kyo Sohma: Oh that's it We're taking this outside Yuki Sohma: still looking annoyed We ARE outside you stupid cat.
Hatsuharu Sohma: [after tripping Kyo] If I hadn't had tripped you, you wouldn't have stopped now would you. [addressing the audience] Hatsuharu Sohma: By the way what I just did was very dangerous. And if it had been anyone but Kyo they probably would have been hurt pretty badly, so don't try it at home. Kyo Sohma: Don't try it here and who are you even talking to?
Momiji Sohma: Are you sure? Shigure said it hurt really bad. Hatori Sohma: Yes, well, I did that on purpose. Shigure Sohma: Oh, Ha'ri, you're killing me! Why would you be so cruel? Hatori Sohma: It seemed to be the only way to shut you up at the time.
[Kagura is doing laundry and tries to wring out Kyou's shirt, causing it to rip in two] Kyo Sohma: Tell me what I think just happened didn't just happen! Kagura: My love! Kyo Sohma: My shirt!
Momijii Sohma: Kyo's got the hots!!
?Kyo-kun and Tohru sitting in a tree... K-I-S...? - Shigure Sohma
Ayame: This concludes my wonderful story. Kyo Sohma: You mean stupid!
Kyo Sohma: angrily pointing at Yuki Just like I'll beat you one of these days Yuki: looking bored Wait wait I think I've heard this one before
Shigure Sohma: So, anyway, I was wondering if you could stop by the house and take a look at Tohru's cut. That is, if it isn't a problem. Hatori Sohma: No problem. I'll stop by the house this evening. Shigure Sohma: Hmmm? What's this, Hatori? I don't think I ever heard you sound so eager to come over. Could it be you have a secret crush on Tohru? [long silence from the other end of the phone] Shigure Sohma: [shouts] I knew it! You naughty, naughty man, you! Hatori Sohma: No, I was simply too amazed by your stupidity to say anything.
Shigure: JUST LISTEN TO ME FOR A SECOND, KYO! Kyo: SHUT UP! I HATE THIS! DO YOU REALLY GET THAT MUCH ENJOYMENT FROM PLAYING WITH PEOPLES' LIVES?! Shigure: Well, yes, now that you mention it, I do--BUT THIS IS FOR YOUR OWN GOOD! Kyo: Man, your persuasion skills SUCK! Tohru: Um, welcome home. Dinner's- Kyo: NOT HUNGRY! Shigure: KYO! DON'T TAKE THIS OUT ON TOHRU! And come back to the entrance hall this instant and take those shoes off! Yuki: He's right, Shigure. You really do suck at persuasion.
Shigure Sohma: Tohru's very cute in a sweet sort of way. Hatori Sohma: For some reason when you say that it reeks of something illegal.
Shigure Sohma: [got Tohru a maid costume for White Day] I can't wait to for her to call me master while wearing this. Hatsuharu Sohma: Just don't get arrested, okay?
Kyo: Of course, I'll beat YOU, too! Yuki: Don't you ever get tired of saying that? Kyo: Beating you is my vocation! It's my goal in life! Yuki: It's so unfair that I keep having to take abuse just because you can't meet your goals. Kyo: THAT CONDESCENDING ATTITUDE OF YOURS REALLY PISSES ME OFF! Yuki: And that revolting thought process of yours pisses me off.
I kept making you cry... didn't I? - Hatori Sohma
Anyone who knows how scary it is to be alone, can't help loving others." ~Rin Sohma
Sometimes it feels like the whole world is conspiring to destroy my house... " - Shigure Sohma
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