A Quote by Neal A. Maxwell

Why is it that for many persons changing others is so exciting and so relevant, while changing oneself is so boring and irrelevant? — © Neal A. Maxwell
Why is it that for many persons changing others is so exciting and so relevant, while changing oneself is so boring and irrelevant?
Changing Myrtle Beach? It makes me feel very good ... If it's changing, it's changing for the positive.
I honestly believe going independent is the future. Social is changing, Spotify is changing, everything is changing.
Technology is changing the world; it's changing our sport. It's changing the way people are following the NBA.
Changing technologies, changing marketplaces, and even changing trends in anti-competitive practices have all presented challenges to antitrust enforcement.
By declaring yourself a leader, you're taking initiative and moving into a role of influence in a lively and vital network that's changing the world. We're changing the world, first by changing ourselves and then by touching the world as changed beings. We believe the change in us catalyzes change in others. So in changing the world, we're choosing to be the change we wish to see in the world. By taking on this leadership role, you are choosing to be the change too.
Here's the problem: we are living in a time when the act of reading is changing. The nature of a reader's attention is changing. The capacity for deep literary engagement is changing.
We completely deny the existence of a self-existent I, or a permanent, independent soul. Every aspect of your body and mind is impermanent: changing, changing, changing.
You're changing, the world is changing, and your hopes and aspirations are regularly being updated. That's why I say this is a life long struggle - for everybody.
It's hard enough to be a middle-school kid, because you're dealing with so many facets of your identity - you're changing socially, you're changing physically, you're changing emotionally, everything is in flux, and to put race on top of that as well and have to figure out your racial identity is extremely hard.
Changing communities and changing our country is going to last a lot longer than how many footballs you catch or how many touchdowns you make.
I started in '69 to have psychoanalysis, and I realised very soon that I was changing, and that's I think why my movies were changing. They became much more open to dialogue.
Taste is changing, style is changing, and players' abilities are changing.
Taste is changing, style is changing, and players abilities are changing.
A Winner's Blueprint for Achievement BELIEVE while others are doubting. PLAN while others are playing. STUDY while others are sleeping. DECIDE while others are delaying. PREPARE while others are daydreaming. BEGIN while others are procrastinating. WORK while others are wishing. SAVE while others are wasting. LISTEN while others are talking. SMILE while others are frowning. COMMEND while others are criticizing. PERSIST while others are quitting.
It is always easier - and usually far more effective - to focus on changing your behavior than on changing the behavior of others.
For some natures, changing their opinions is just as much a requirement of cleanliness as changing their clothes: for others, however, it is merely a requirement of vanity.
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