A Quote by Neil Strauss

Dating is for tools. — © Neil Strauss
Dating is for tools.
There is no such thing as biblical dating. If you're dating, I don't care who you're dating, you're out of God's will. If you're a young man and you're dating, you're out of God's will. Period. You can come talk to me about it later, you can be mad if you want. But that's just the truth. There's no such thing as recreational dating. There is biblical courtship, there is no recreational dating.
We make tools for people. Tools to create, tools to communicate. The age we're living in, these tools surprise you. ... That's why I love what we do. Because we make these tools, and we're constantly surprised with what people do with them.
I don't think there's any company that has the same tools as Martha Stewart Living does, and people know that. They really love the tools and, if you have the tools, you can pretty much do the craft.
Look inside your soul and find your tools. We all have tools and have to live with the help of them. I have two tools—my words and my images.
Machinery is aggressive. The weaver becomes a web, the machinist a machine. If you do not use the tools, they use you. All tools are in one sense edge-tools, and dangerous.
I'm single. I'm independent. And I'm dating. I think if you're honest that you're dating, there's nothing wrong with that.
I did Internet dating for a while, and that is rife with horrible dating stories.
Dating is tricky these days. Everyone plays by different dating rules, so don't assume anything.
My mother drove back to the intersection. "Who are you dating?" "Don't ask," I said. I wasn't dating anyone. I was fornicating with Batman.
Our early dating life consisted of trying to figure out whether we were dating.
I stopped dating for six months a year ago. Dating requires a lot of energy and focus.
As far as dating is concerned, I'm not a casual dating person.
Make your own tools. Hybridize your tools in order to build unique things. Even simple tools that are your own can yield entirely new avenues of exploration. Remember, tools amplify our capacities, so even a small tool can make a big difference.
It is the same way with dating. The time you are most prepared for dating is when you don't need anyone to complete you, fulfill you, or instill in you a sense of worth or purpose.
There is a lot of relief for daters who are serious about wanting to be in a relationship. This comes in the form of what appears to be dramatic changes like speed dating and Internet dating.
I'm very happy to be part of a generation where you don't have to say that you're gay. It's just like, 'I'm dating a dude,' or, 'I'm dating a girl,' and I love it. I think it's a great time.
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