A Quote by Neville Goddard

Faith is being loyal to you unseen reality within — © Neville Goddard
Faith is being loyal to you unseen reality within
A man is a better citizen of the United States for being also a loyal citizen of his state and of his city; for being loyal to his family and to his profession or trade; for being loyal to his college or his lodge.
No man succeeds without faith. Whether you call it religious faith or label it something else. I don't feel anything worthwhile is accomplished without it. When you believe there is a Supreme Being guiding the destiny of this universe and that within each of us there is a little part of that Being, then you will have faith in yourself, in your country, in that Supreme Being, and in humanity itself.
The known unseen within becomes structural in what is seen: a being functioning as a self, in person, in this world.
Republicans are being loyal to their donors. They're being loyal to the paymasters, if you will. And it's squandering an opportunity.
My grandfather was a faith healer and medium and he always encouraged faith in the unseen. I believe in fortune tellers.
My grandfather was a faith healer and medium, and he always encouraged faith in the unseen. I believe in fortune tellers.
In every seed to breathe a flower, In every drop of dew To reverence a cloister star Within the distant blue; To wait the promise of the how, Despite the cloud between, Is Faith-the fervid evidence Of loneliness unseen.
Sure! A relationship with the Almighty is not impossible. We must realize that one's approach to the Presence of Almighty Being, who is absolutely unseen, is possible by means of fortification of spiritual power via one's complete faith in His Self-reliant Being.
Faith wouldn't be faith without having to trust what is unseen. That's difficult sometimes, and it's almost easier to put our trust in what is tangible. But God wants us to put one foot in front of the other and just step out on faith.
Faith is the ability to see things that don't yet exist. Faith, though, can turn difficulty into reality, positive reality.
Faith consists in being vitally concerned with that ultimate reality to which I give the symbolical name of God. Whoever reflects earnestly on the meaning of life is on the verge of an act of faith.
What's positive is moving from a place of growing in faith to really feeling more grounded in faith, to understand that faith is hard, that I'll stumble, that I'll make mistakes, that I'll sin. But, that's part of being on a faith path; it's part of being a human being.
A chorus of tough southern belles whispered, You need a loyal husband around here. Loyal to you, loyal to your family, loyal to your land. I added, Good in bed, smart, and romantic. Politically, socially, and religiously compatible. And he had to want children.
What God asks of men, said [Billy] Graham, is faith. His invisibility is the truest test of that faith. To know who sees him, God makes himself unseen.
I say, choose faith. Choose faith over doubt, choose faith over fear, choose faith over the unknown and the unseen, and choose faith over pessimism.
Faith is the evidence of the unseen.
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