A Quote by Newt Gingrich

Hillary Clinton has built a huge machine. Donald Trump's asset is people on Facebook and twitter. He can communicate with them eight or 10 times a day with no money. This is a different world.
Hillary Clinton is doing a thank-you for the money, largely because she wants them to continue giving it to her. Make no mistake about that. And that is almost the difference in the two campaigns of Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump, in a nutshell. It's a stark contrast.
I want to say that even - and Bernie said this many, many times - in several of the actual public debates, she said on her worst day, Hillary Clinton's a thousand times better than Donald Trump. And Donald Trump, in my view, is a threat to the nation.
This is the difference between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton and Sen. Kaine. They are career public servants. Donald Trump is a businessman, not a career politician. He built a business.
I don't want anybody to be under a misunderstanding. Donald Trump never even said the word "assassination." That was the word used by Hillary Clinton in 2008, which CNN is calling a gaffe. (impression) "But Trump meant it! Yeah, Trump, he meant it." With Hillary, "It was a gaffe! We all know Hillary Clinton, and we all know Hillary Clinton didn't really mean what she said." Yeah, right. Double standards.
I think folks need to understand the whole background of Donald Trump. I find from time to time, I talk to people about the campaign and they say, gosh, I didn't know that Donald Trump gave a bunch of money to Jimmy Carter and to Hillary Clinton and to Harry Reid and to John Kerry.
I still consider Bill Clinton a friend and Donald Trump a friend. Some day in the future, President Clinton could be a big asset to President Trump in a lot of his outreach.
For anyone who doesn't believe that Donald Trump is the best candidate to go head to head with Hillary Clinton in November, and that's about 70 percent of Republicans nationwide who don't think Donald Trump is the right guy, our [President's] campaign is the only campaign that has beaten Donald Trump and that can beat Donald Trump.
The media theme was, "June is when you win the presidency," because that's what they thought Hillary [Clinton] was doing. Hillary was running ads condemning [Donald] Trump, characterizing Trump, marginalizing Trump.
So get this. On 9/11, Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump's hometown was attacked by the worst terrorist attack in the history of the United States. Young men and women - young men and women signed up to serve in the military to fight terrorism. Hillary Clinton went to Washington to get funds to rebuild her city and protect first responders, but Donald Trump was fighting a very different fight. It was a fight to avoid paying taxes so that he wouldn't support the fight against terror.
You look at the states [Barack] Obama won and wonder, well, where would Hillary Clinton have a problem and where does Donald Trump have problems? And the truth is, Donald Trump is not showing strength in any of the big states that he would need in order to actually get to 270. And Hillary Clinton is showing herself to be remarkably stable in all the states that she needs.
Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton are on entirely different levels.
Hillary Clinton is excoriating Donald Trump over Trump University? The Clinton scandal at Laureate Education, a for-profit education chain of schools and colleges operating world-wide, including the United States, is much worse.
Donald Trump has not gone to historical black colleges - Hillary Clinton. He's not met with the mothers of children who have been slain and killed from violence in the country as Hillary Clinton has done.
He [Donald Trump] is the one who got him [Barack Obama] to finally produce the birth certificate. Hillary Clinton's campaign first raised this issue. He picked this up from Hillary Clinton.
People that voted for Donald Trump, people that support Donald Trump really, really believe that they were gonna lose the country if Hillary Clinton won.
Mrs. [Hillary] Clinton is focusing on a different part of the voters trying to influence them in her own way as well; so they attack each other [with Donald Trump].
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