A Quote by Nicholas Sparks

When you know that someone close to you is going to die, there's a natural tendency to want to spend as much time with them as you can. — © Nicholas Sparks
When you know that someone close to you is going to die, there's a natural tendency to want to spend as much time with them as you can.
I guess I realize that I don't want to die. I don't want to live either, but-there really isn't anything in-between. Depression is about as close as you get to somewhere between dead and alive, and it's the worst. But since the tendency toward inertia means that it's easier for me to stay alive than die, I guess that's how it's going to be, so I guess I should try to be happy.
You know when you get a crush on a person you don't know that much about them, you're sort of obsessed with them, you want to spend more time with them.
I'm older, wiser and richer, and I still have just as many headaches. It hasn't changed me drastically; certainly, not in terms of relationships. The people I'm close to, and there aren't many of them, have been close for a long time. And we know each other well enough to know it isn't the quantity of time you spend together, it's the quality.
I would want America to know our kids need us. Spend as much time with your kids as you can. Enjoy them. Be with them. Hug your children; You never know when it will be the last time.
The rest of my days I'm going to spend on the sea. And when I die, I'm going to die on the sea. You know what I shall die of? I shall die of eating an unwashed grape. One day out on the ocean I will die — with my hand in the hand of some nice-looking ship's doctor, a very young one with a small blond moustache and a big silver watch.
I spend so much time in fear of going broke, and I never have been even remotely close to going broke.
I spend a lot of time on college campuses, a lot of time mentoring young women in all sectors of business, because I don't want them to spend as much time to get their voice as I did.
The health dollar is very precious. When someone has such a bad condition as brain cancer, we know they're going to die and they're usually going to die within 12 months of diagnosis. They cost a lot of money to keep the patient alive for that period of time. Is it really worth it?
Fundamentally, as human beings, we're very, very alike and a lot more alike than we think, but we have a tendency to divide the world into them and us. In prison, when people commit a crime and we put them away, they definitely become "them." We don't want to deal with it because they have chosen to step out of society, so we're going to keep them out. Even if they serve their time, we're going to make sure that, for the rest of their lives, they're going to be branded. I don't know how to do it in a different way, but I think it clearly doesn't work.
I believe the approach we take to talking to our kids about drugs can, in some cases, mean the difference between life and death. So my approach is really simple: I just don't want them to die. And I want them to be able to save someone's life if they see someone die.
When you're too close to people, when you spend too much time with them and love them too dearly, sometimes you can't see them
Your natural tendency, human nature, is to always look and see if there's an opportunity. But that's something that I don't spend a ton of time doing because I'm pretty meat and potatoes when it comes to approaching the day.
When we dislike someone, or feel threatened by someone, the natural tendency is to focus on something we dislike about the person, something that irritates us. Unfortunately, when we do this--instead of seeing the deeper beauty of the person and giving them energy--we take energy away and actually do them harm. All they know is that they suddenly feel less beautiful and less confident, and it is because we sapped their energy.
I used to pessimistically think I was going to die alone, but now I optimistically know I'm going to die hoping to meet someone.
Have you ever longed for someone so much, so deeply that you thought you would die? That your heart would just stop beating? I am longing now, but for whom I don't know. My whole body craves to be held. I am desperate to love and be loved. I want my mind to float into another's. I want to be set free from despair by the love I feel for another. I want to be physically part of someone else. I want to be joined. I want to be open and free to explore every part of them, as though I were exploring myself.
If you want to know someone, just look at who they choose to spend their time with.
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