A Quote by Nick Faldo

That's the most important thing for me in TV, telling the story to as many people as we can. — © Nick Faldo
That's the most important thing for me in TV, telling the story to as many people as we can.
Many more people saw me on TV than will ever get to see me on stage, but I do love being in the same room as the people I'm telling the story to.
I think the most important thing when you're telling a story is to just tell the story as best as you possibly can.
The most important thing to realize is that everyone is capable of telling a story.
The most important thing is story-telling. It's as singular and old-fashioned as that.
Whatever you do in terms of telling a story, the most important thing that you can define is who you are.
I think that people have to have a story. When you tell a story, most people are not good storytellers because they think it's about them. You have to make your story, whatever story it is you're telling, their story. So you have to get good at telling a story so they can identify themselves in your story.
Another strand of my writing is the importance of the idea. If you think about fiction writing as a spectrum, where at one end of the spectrum in the infrared, are the story tellers, and the people for whom creation of wonderful characters and telling a good story is the most important thing.
I'd thought I'd constructed a really wonderful book, and the teacher told me that my story basically began on page fifty, and that I should throw out everything prior, or figure out a way to weave only the most important information back into the story, and keep the action moving forward. Wow. That was a really humbling experience. A real eye-opener. Made me realize there are so many aspects involved with telling a story.
Magicians will always tell you the trick is the most important thing, but I'm more interested in telling a story.
Magicians will always tell you the trick is the most important thing, but Im more interested in telling a story.
I have people constantly come up to me telling me that I have written their life. When I wrote the story I thought it was a pretty good story but I had no idea that many people felt like that.
The most important thing to realise is that everyone is capable of telling a story. It doesn't matter where we were born or how we grew up.
To me who dreamed so much as a child, who made a dreamworld in which I was the heroine of an unending story, the lives of people around me continued to have a certain storybook quality. I learned something which has stood me in good stead many times - The most important thing in any relationship is not what you get but what you give.
I find the mediums to be incredibly different. In theatre you're telling the same story eight times a week, and in TV that story is constantly changing and you're often telling it out of order based on shooting schedules.
To make magic credible on screen is always very difficult. The story is the most important thing. That is what should win. If sacrifices or compromises are made, it's usually for story. Story in magic is very, very important to me. That's what I've really championed through my career.
Make your life a story worth telling. You only get one shot at this existence, and one day when you’re gone the most important thing you’ll leave behind is the legacy of the life you lived. Make sure you make it a story you’re proud to have others tell.
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