A Quote by Nick Nurse

Try to put our guys in different positions, try some different combinations, et cetera, to prepare us for the playoffs, which is what matters. — © Nick Nurse
Try to put our guys in different positions, try some different combinations, et cetera, to prepare us for the playoffs, which is what matters.
Everyone deals with criticism in a different way. Some guys read it, some guys don't really listen to it, some guys try to stay away from it, some guys get angry about it.
I try and be just completely me on stage. I try and put that across, and people seem to get that personality that I have, so I do try not to become two different people and two different faces.
Most of the time when you're open that's when it's tough to make shots because you try to get some different focus than normally when some guys try to contest your shots.
Reversal is something that has been demonstrated in a number of different animals in a number of different ways. I think that's going to translate into larger animals and humans. We won't know until we try. But we are trying 65 different genes in different combinations to see if we can reproduce the aging reversal that we've seen in small animals.
There's an aspect of human nature in which we want to think we're better than somebody else. They're a different color. They speak a different language. They have a different name for the Creator. Whatever it is, that makes it okay for me to hate them, to try to get some of their land or some of their resources.
Each environment is different, each job is different, and each realm of creativity that they give you is different. You try to do the best you can and put as much time into it as you can, but different jobs have different circumstances come about.
Our communication space is very fragmented today. We have a million different tools for different things with lots of different kinds of overlaps. The most natural way to try and solve that problem is to take all those different tools and try to make them smaller and fit into a single package and maybe integrate them across the boundaries.
I've done it before where I get guys banging their bat on the ground after their second or third at-bat because you just have so many different combinations to try to get him to swing and miss.
I try desperately to try and figure out how they'd react to different scenarios. That's part of what the DM's job is: to try and know their players well enough to where they can build encounters, challenges, and be like, 'I think they would do this in this scenario, so I will go ahead and prepare a few options based on this.'
Each one is different. Each project is different. Some are silly, some are not. Some are more realistic, some are not. Some are overly dramatic, some are not. You've just got to try and find the thing that's most engaging and entertaining in whatever way, shape or form, and it's different every time.
Our philosophy is always to search for the best quality. That is something our father taught us. It's one way to be different from your competitors. You can try to be cheaper, or you can try to be better.
I am always a beginner. I only try to include different parts of life; the pastoral, the tragic, et cetera.
Our players know that we try to come in each week and put ourselves in the best position to have a chance to win, and sometimes that means some people playing more than others; sometimes it means using different personnel groupings in different weeks.
My own view is that friendship is essential to our becoming who we are. It provides a context within which we can, more or less safely, try different ways of being, different approaches to life, and our friends, to whom we open ourselves and by whom we are willing to be influenced and directed, play a central role in what becomes of us.
I like being put in embarrassing positions because it's the reason why I wanted to be an actress. I want to try different things and things that make me uncomfortable.
I try to avoid all mistakes. I try to prepare my players and to put them in the best condition to play the game. If you discover a problem during the game, it is too late. You must anticipate and prepare.
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