A Quote by Nicki Minaj

No I'm not lucky, I'm blessed YES — © Nicki Minaj
No I'm not lucky, I'm blessed YES

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Being a star kid, I don't want to complain. I am lucky and super blessed. Yes, there is a negative side of comparison and trolling, but there are so many positive aspects to it and I just want to focus on that.
I was lucky. A lot of people have that. People that don't tell you what you want to hear, but what's best for you. I was blessed with great friends. I was always blessed that way. My dad always kept good people around me. I just got lucky. Because of the spotlight you're in, people are scared to tell you otherwise.
The most accurate representation of how I feel is that I'm incredibly lucky to be working in this structure where people get paid millions to read the news on TV. And, yes, it is insane. And there is nothing I can say beyond acknowledging my immense good fortune, and being aware that I'm blessed, and aware that it isn't going to last forever.
My whole life, I feel so blessed. I met my wife: I can't get over that I got so lucky. I have two incredible children. I can't believe that I've been so blessed. I've had a career that is way past anything that I've ever dreamed. I get to work in all these different areas with such extraordinary people on every level.
I am so blessed and lucky.
I feel lucky. I feel blessed. If you get blessed with some ability, I think you have to work hard at it. Michael Jordan was a great basketball player, but he wasn't the best shooter, even though he had the skill, and he had to work and work at it.
I was lucky I was blessed with the constitution of a horse.
I feel truly lucky and blessed.
I am lucky to be genetically blessed.
I've got an incredible family, I've been blessed to play a game for a living, and even more than that, I've been blessed to have the ability to play it and the ability to play two sports at the same time. There's not many people that are able to do that, so yeah, I feel very lucky.
We are lucky to be blessed with a baby on Father's Day.
Blessed is the satirist; and blessed the ironist; blessed the witty scoffer, and blessed the sentimentalist; for each, having seen one spoke of the wheel, thinks to have seen all, and is content.
You're lucky if you reach the point where you go, "OK, I have a wonderful life ...I fly around the world, stay in beautiful places, people are generally quite sweet to me, what's to complain about?" But I think you have to get there... And it's taken me the best part of 54 years to reach that point where I'm like, "I'm very lucky, I'm lucky, I'm blessed" - all of those things. I wish I could impart that to other people but I think when you're young, you just don't listen.
I'm lucky and blessed to have so many tag-team championships.
I've been blessed and lucky or whatever you want to call it.
I am just lucky to be blessed with a good metabolism.
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