A Quote by Nicole Krauss

I scowled at the world. And the world scowled back. We were locked in a stare of mutual disgust. — © Nicole Krauss
I scowled at the world. And the world scowled back. We were locked in a stare of mutual disgust.
Gods, I wish the world was full of passive women.He thougt for a moment longer, then scowled. On second thoughts, what a nightmare that'd be. It's the job of a man to fan the spark into flames, not quench it.
Cupid's not the only one with an arrow," I scowled
Reegan scowled at Cath. "Are you Zack, or are you Cody?".
Percy scowled. "I-I know you." Nico raised his eyebrows. "Do you?
He’s a war mage. They’re almost impossible to kill.” He scowled. “Even on purpose.
I love you,” she whispered. He stroked his hand down her back. “Yep, you do.” “You’re supposed to say it back,” she said, pretending to be offended because the silliness kept the fear/hope at bay. “Why?” He scowled down at her. “You know you’re my heartbeat.
Levin scowled. The humiliation of his rejection stung him to the heart, as though it were a fresh wound he had only just received. But he was at home, and at home the very walls are a support.
Goodwin scowled at her cup. "With all due respect, my lord, I hate it when you make sense.
He scowled at Jason. "And please, I don't like being touched. Don't ever grab me again.
When Tarzan killed he more often smiled than scowled, and smiles are the foundation of beauty.
Vee scowled at him. She is famous for that scowl. It's a look that does everything but audibly hiss.
A stale article, if you dip it in a good, warm, sunny smile, will go off better than a fresh one that you've scowled upon.
Then Jix locked eyes with him and said very calmly, "If you hit her, I will open my mouth wide enough to swallow you whole, force you through my bowels, then out my other end." Avalon scowled at him. "You can't do that." "Try me," Jix said. Avalon backed off, then angrily stormed away, and Jix winked at Jill. "One in five.
Lynet scowled. "I’m just so tired of young knights wearing their father’s armor and dreaming romantic dreams riding up to their death.
He scowled at me."You aren't any fun." "Party pooper extraordinaire,that's me.
I scowled defensively. "My conversations don't usually include the subject of erections." "Too bad," he said. "All the best conversations do.
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