A Quote by Niki Lauda

Patience is a virtue in life, of course, but it's not something we F1 people have too much of. — © Niki Lauda
Patience is a virtue in life, of course, but it's not something we F1 people have too much of.
Be the Worst You Can Be: Life's Too Long for Patience and Virtue
The notion that patience is a virtue is something you don't fully appreciate until you're a parent. You need endless patience with little ones.
We have seen too much defeatism, too much pessimism, too much of a negative approach. The answer is simple: if you want something very badly, you can achieve it. It may take patience, very hard work, a real struggle, and a long time; but it can be done. That much faith is a prerequisite of any undertaking.
Maybe I don't have the patience to make a virtue of necessity - the patience to carry something all the way through, and to actually say something. Lately, the songs are more jagged and they don't really lend themselves to that. I just take it one bit at a time.
I do not hesitate to say that the road to eminence and power, from an obscure condition, ought not to be made too easy, nor a thing too much of course. If rare merit be the rarest of all things, it ought to pass through some sort of probation. The temple of honor ought to be seated on an eminence. If it be open through virtue, let it be remembered, too, that virtue is never tried but by some difficulty and some struggle.
You never stop learning in F1. It's the typical thing that all drivers say, but it's absolutely true. But also, apart from driving, you learn a bit about the political side of F1. People don't realise how much there is outside the car.
In F1 too many things overshadow the racing. There is too much politics.
Leaders must have patience for those under your supervision. Don't expect too much too soon. Maybe it was easy for you, but that doesn't mean it's going to be easy for somebody else. Be sure you have patience.
If something takes too long, something happens to you. You become all and only the thing you want and nothing else, for you have paid too much for it, too much in wanting and too much in waiting and too much in getting.
For me, my lack of patience in real life - I have always had very little patience. It's been very much my downfall in life. But having a child puts it in perspective. Very quickly you're like, "Oh, I need to learn what patience is."
Too many vacations that last too long, too many movies, too much TV, too much video game playing - too much undisciplined leisure time in which a person continually takes the course of least resistance gradually wastes a life. It ensures that a person's capacities stay dormant, that talents remain undeveloped, that the mind and spirit become lethargic and that the heart remains unfulfilled.
There's a price you pay for drinking too much, for eating too much sugar, smoking too much marijuana, using too much cocaine, or even drinking too much water. All those things can mess you up, especially, drinking too much L.A. water ... or Love Canal for that matter. But, if people had a better idea of what moderation is really all about, then some of these problems would ... If you use too much of something, your body's just gonna go the "Huh? ... Duh!"
Vice, virtue - it's best not to be too moral. You'll cheat yourself out of too much life.
The biggest difference in the wet between F2 and F1 is that there's so much more power in F1 as being on the throttle earlier has a bigger advantage.
Nobody says Nico Rosberg is only in F1 because his dad was a famous racing driver who funded his karting career and helped him get into F1. It s a bit unfair just to focus on the fact that my husband is in F1 and it's the only reason I'm in an F1 car.
We drink too much, smoke too much, spend too recklessly, laugh too little, drive too fast, get too angry, stay up too late, get up too tired, read too little, watch tv too much. We have multiplied our possessions but reduced our values. We talk too much, love too seldom, and hate too often. We've learned how to make a living but not a life. We've added years to life, not life to years.
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