A Quote by Nikki Bella

Do I want to walk the rest of my life? Do I want to not be in pain? It just sucks because I have this true battle going on in my head, and everyone keeps telling me you gotta put your health first, but there's so much of me that wants to put my career first.
With the Special Ops Warrior Foundation's help, we put 266 kids through college last year. And that's what keeps me going. I'll be honest, I don't like running. I don't like biking. I don't like swimming. I do it to raise money. But, now that I'm in this sport, I want to see how far I can push myself. What makes me tick is that pain you feel when you do these ultramarathons. I love knowing that everyone's suffering because I know I can suffer just a little bit more. I can take a lot of pain.
I find that when I put my spiritual life first, the rest of my life is easy. When I put my career first, that's when I have problems.
I really want to show women that it is OK to have a career and put that - not necessarily first, but to put it out there. You can do it all. Is it going to be hard? Yes. Is it going to be worth it? Of course.
I don't play baseball first. I put Christ first in my life. I put my family behind Him and I put baseball down the line. I obviously want to succeed. I want to do well. I want to perform. But at the same time, I'm at peace that no matter what happens on this earth, the more important part is being a Christian, and being in the Kingdom of Heaven when it's all said and done.
I was so frustrated with him. "I just want to be enough for you, but I never can be. This can never be enough for you. But this is all you get. You get me, and your family, and this world. This is your life. I'm sorry if it sucks. But you're not going to be the first man on Mars, and you're not going to be an NBA star, and you're not going to hunt Nazis.
My dad told me, 'If you're going to go out there and play baseball, or you're going to play basketball or football, work hard at it no matter what. I want you to have fun with your buddies, but you have to put in the time because this is your craft.' He didn't just want me to be good. He pushed me to that next level.
I would love to have a child. It would be great for me and such a positive message for all the girls out there who don't want to rush their life or their life has taken different a direction, like me who's put their career first.
I want to have complete control over every media so that when I make my record I put on it what I want to put on it. Not what society wants me to put on it.
I don't put any pressure on myself in terms of what people or fans do or don't want. It really just doesn't occur to me. I honestly just want to make the films I want to see as a fan. The film will survive or fail in my mind by how much I like it. Having said that, everyone wants their films to do well and to be well-received.
Just for once, I want someone to want me more than anybody else. To put me first.
I want your first trip to be with me. I want to show you cities and landscapes and teach you how to look at things in new ways and how to get along in places you don't already know inside out. I want to put some life in you.
I'm actually doing what I want with my life. I do sometime think I could just shut up and rest on my laurels and say: you know what guys, I'll operate out of the pocket you put me in.... but no way! No way I'm gonna do that! I'd just get bored stiff the first minute.
I only do this because I'm having fun. The day I stop having fun, I'll just walk away. I wasn't going to have fun doing a teen movie again. I don't want to do this for the rest of my life. I don't. I don't even want to spend the rest of my youth doing this in this industry. There's so much more I want to discover.
The sun sucks. I used to love the sun, but now I hate it because it just wants to kill everything. I always tell everyone, if you don't want to do skin care, fine, but at least put sunscreen on. The reason why we have little freckles, skin cancer, and wrinkles is because of the sun.
My mom put me into my first play at five at a local theater, and the next day after my first practice, I was like, 'This is what I want to do with my life.'
My first epiphany that this might work came on my first day, when I went into biofeedback. They hooked me up to computers through electrodes, put me in a comfortable lounge chair, put an eye pillow over my face, slipped speakers onto my head and played an audio guided visualization.
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