A Quote by Niko Kovac

In Germany, it is normal, when games end, you shake hands with your players. — © Niko Kovac
In Germany, it is normal, when games end, you shake hands with your players.
It's normal to feel pain in your hands and feet, if you're using your feet as feet and your hands as hands. And for a human being to feel stress is normal - if he's living a normal life. And if it's normal, how can it be bad?
When it's a really dark emotional scene, you have to make the effort to shake it off, at the end of the day, before you go home to your kids and try to be a normal human being. You definitely want to make that effort to shake it off.
But in the end it's still a game of golf, and if at the end of the day you can't shake hands with your opponents and still be friends, then you've missed the point.
You gotta do interviews every day, and they don't end well for some people, but I've never had one end where I don't shake hands at the end of the deal, including with the predators.
I shake everybody's hand before the game, but Oklahoma City, they don't shake hands. Only some of them, but I don't think they really shake hands before the game.
You know when you first meet someone and they shake your hand? Hugging is how I shake hands.
In the end what matters is, do you develop your team, do you win games and do you graduate your players.
To be honest, I think I am making normal games targeted towards normal people. But ultimately when I release those normal games, weird people find them to be weird games and enjoy them. Which probably means there's something wrong with me.
Although I wasn't invited to shake hands with Hitler, I wasn't invited to the White House to shake hands with the President either.
Sometimes I forget to shake hands with the other manager. I apologise. I'm learning, but I have a very good relationship with my players and also the crowd.
You know that in a lot of games it is only decided towards the end. Players get tired and when you have that push from your fans you can feel the difference.
You have competition all over the world, not only in football, in normal life, too. Everyone fights for his place, but in the end, we have many games to play, and everybody is going to play games.
In East Germany it was very normal for a woman to go out and work even if she had children. A few weeks after giving birth women would return to their normal working life. We never had housewives in East Germany.
In tournaments, players typically raise when they enter the pot. In cash games, though, players are more likely to limp in before the flop. That's because cash games are usually deeper-stacked, meaning that players will have a higher ratio of chips in relation to the blinds than they would in a tournament.
I had the luck with Germany. If they hadn't allowed us to come in I don't know where we would've gone or where we could go. I never ask about that. My mum said: 'Germany is our second home' and it's true. Germany gave us their open hands.
I was this kid, and I was scared to death of all these pros around me... My head would shake, and my hands would shake, and I discovered if I kept my head down and looked up, my head would not shake, so I started to do that when I could, when it was appropriate in a scene.
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