A Quote by Noam Chomsky

There's actually an article in the Washington Post, I don't know whether it's tongue in cheek or not, which said the criterion for being on the list of banned states is that [Donald] Trump doesn't have business interests there.
Now, you ban not the whole Muslim world. You ban seven states, seven states that have not been responsible for a single terrorist act. Those are the seven [Donald Trump] banned. But, you leave the ones that really are responsible, like Saudi Arabia, which is the center for propaganda and funding and so on for radical Islamic Jihadism, well you can't touch them because of business interests, also they have oil and so on and so forth.
The Washington Post is quickly trying to become the safe space for Donald Trump deniers, for the Trump-won-the-election deniers. I think the Washington Post is establishing itself as the safe space for anti-Trump delicate snowflakes to go.
We're looking at two different presidents here if all we have to go on is the media. When Donald Trump is in Washington, D.C., what is he? He is a genuine idiot. He's impolitic, he's uninformed, he's running a chaotic administration where nobody knows what anybody is doing. Whenever they do anything it is disastrous. But the Donald Trump of Washington doesn't exist, because the Donald Trump of Washington is what is reported in the Drive-By Media.
The editorial board, who endorses candidates, is totally separate from the news side of the business. We don't consult one another. They have one job to do, we have a totally different one to do. So whether the Washington Post editorial board endorses Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton is meaningless to me.
Donald Trump's not backing down. Yesterday he said he doesn't need to be lectured by the other Republican candidates, who he says have no business running for president. Not to be confused with Donald Trump, who ran for president and now has no business.
There is only one Donald Trump, as we know. But there are aspects of where he's coming from that I understand, which is business people that have built and actually created jobs in this country.
I think he [Donald Trump] is generally a good person, but you know what? He had no business being president of the United States. If I thought he did, I wouldn`t be running. I`d be helping him.
We had the clip of [Donald] Trump saying: I'm not president of the globe. I'm president of the United States.[Ronald] Reagan would have never said that. [Dwight] Eisenhower would have never said that, because he would have said, yes, I'm president of the United States, but it's in our interests to be securing a world order.
Where would the Republican Party being without talk radio the last 25 years? And yet who now is enemy number one? Talk radio! I don't know what I did to Michael Gerson, but he's back again in the Washington Post blaming everything [Donald] Trump on me.
You look at the states [Barack] Obama won and wonder, well, where would Hillary Clinton have a problem and where does Donald Trump have problems? And the truth is, Donald Trump is not showing strength in any of the big states that he would need in order to actually get to 270. And Hillary Clinton is showing herself to be remarkably stable in all the states that she needs.
We don't know for a fact that Donald Trump did. We only think we know because it's been reported by how many unconfirmed, anonymous sources? Two scoops of ice cream, Trump's so selfish, guests only get one. The contrast is stark. Trump on this trip and the Trump in Washington. My contention is that Trump is Trump. What's different is the reporting.
When you receive national recognition for leading the nation's toughest crackdown on illegal immigration and serving as Donald Trump's Virginia State Chairman, you get used to being falsely labeled as racist and xenophobic by the mainstream media, especially by 'The Washington Post''s editorial board, which has labeled me as such things for years.
Thanks to NBC News and thanks to the NBC primetime TV network, Donald Trump has been in living rooms for 11 years being who he is. The Donald Trump running for president is not an unknown quantity. The Donald Trump running for president is the Donald Trump everybody's gotten to know, and quite a lot of people watch those Donald Trump TV shows, The Apprentice and whatever else on there.
I don't think there's any difference in the two Donald Trumps. Maybe I didn't make this clear. I don't think Trump's different in Washington than he is there. The difference is you don't have anybody tweeting. The Trump in Washington compared to the Trump in Middle east trip, what's the difference? The Trump in Washington is filtered by the media.
Since the Donald Trump election, which has involved this administration making direct attacks on press freedoms, you're actually seeing a certain amount of rallying and reinvigoration by the national press in terms of covering national issues and the presidency. The Washington Post and The New York Times, Mother Jones, ProPublica and a lot of other places, they've actually done some really strong work when confronted with this administration. But the resources that you used to have at state and local level aren't there anymore.
The establishment Trump talked about wasn’t really Wall Street. He said, “When Washington got rich.” Bernie Sanders would have said, “When Wall Street got rich, the country didn’t.” So I think when Donald Trump says "Washington," what he means is the government regulatory agencies.
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