A Quote by Noel Edmonds

I was brought up to be loyal, trustworthy, hardworking and to deliver. If you hired Noel Edmonds to do something then, by God, he worked hard at it. — © Noel Edmonds
I was brought up to be loyal, trustworthy, hardworking and to deliver. If you hired Noel Edmonds to do something then, by God, he worked hard at it.
All disc jockeys are without talent. Noel Edmonds - I can't stand Noel Edmonds.
I'd quite like to put Noel Edmonds who was on the television and radio in a compartment and remember all that with great fondness and gratitude but consign it to history.
When we were first doing kids' shows with the BBC they asked us where we wanted to be in a few years' time and we said we want to be where Noel Edmonds is.
Robert Redford, ha ha! He's a very attractive man and I'm not. Or Noel Edmonds, as he's a friend of mine and knows me well.
On radio, I loved Noel Edmonds's Radio 1 breakfast show - and Tony Blackburn. I can still hear those bloody jingles deep in my brain.
Maybe I was always more than one person, or even two. Maybe being on TV was just my job. People find it hard to get their heads around that. A couple of times I have shone a light on the other sides of my life, but I have learned to be cautious about that. Because people are only comfortable with the Noel Edmonds they see on television.
I had a hard time with that hockey. I hadn't grown up skating, so that was my biggest challenge. We worked on it and worked on it. But then when we first shot it, it was so hard for me.
I grew up in New England. I think I was brought up with the Puritan ethic: that if you worked really hard in life, then good would come to you. The harder you work, the luckier you get. I've come to believe that it's the smarter you work, the better.
You can write ten versions of a scene, and then, on the day, discover that something in the original scene worked. It's hard on writers. Hard on actors, hard on editors, hard on me, hard on the producers, who require patience and confidence. But I can't get to the end without going through this process.
Anyone who has been with me from the beginning has worked from the trenches with me and they've worked really hard. People that I have brought in where I am now, they haven't worked the way that we have, they haven't lost the sleep, and you know, the blood, sweat, and tears.
I don't know if I have some kind of defiance disorder or something, but if I'm hired to write something by "The Man," or by a studio, for whatever reason, it's really hard for me to finish. I inevitably wind up using that time to write something else.
My parents worked very hard for everything that they got. Their parents worked hard. It's just something that is passed down to you, and whatever you want to accomplish, you have to work hard to get it, and that's always been that mentality that my family has, and I think that's something that was passed on to me.
When Christians speak of the authority of Scripture, because Christians believe that this word, even though it's mediated through many different human authors, nevertheless is God breathed and is revealed by God and is utterly reliable and all that it says, with all of its different literary genres, it's trustworthy and without mistake or distortion. It is trustworthy and therefore, because it is from God it has God's authority.
Be loyal and trustworthy. Do not befriend anyone who is lower than yourself in this regard.
For me, I always try and deliver. Regardless of the situation, I always try and play hard every time I step out on the court. If I don't deliver and play well, then I know I haven't been working hard enough.
I'm a typical Capricorn. I'm hardworking, loyal, sometimes stubborn, and I don't believe in astrology.
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