A Quote by Norm MacDonald

Education makes some men wiser, others more ridiculous and foolish! — © Norm MacDonald
Education makes some men wiser, others more ridiculous and foolish!
There is this paradox in pride - it makes some men ridiculous, but prevents others from becoming so.
Learning makes the wise wiser and the fool more foolish.
Education makes the wise slightly wiser, but it makes the fool vastly more dangerous.
Often the adult book is not for you, not yet, or will only be for you when you're ready. But sometimes you will read it anyway, and you will take from it whatever you can. Then, perhaps, you will come back to it when you're older, and you will find the book has changed because you have changed as well, and the book is wiser, or more foolish, because you are wiser or more foolish than you were as a child.
As one grows older, one becomes wiser and more foolish.
Women are of two sorts. Some of them are wiser, better learned, discreeter, and more constant than a number of men. But another and a worse sort of them...are fond, foolish, wanton, flibbergibs, tatlers, triflers, wavering, witless, without council, feeble, careless, rash, proud, dainty, nice, talebearers, eavesdroppers, rumor-raisers, evil-tongued, worse-minded, and in every way doltified with the dregs of the Devil's dunghill.
The folly of others is ever most ridiculous to those who are themselves most foolish.
Traveling makes men wiser, but less happy.
The more you wish to be, the wiser you are; while the wish to have is apt to be foolish in proportion to its largeness.
As we grow older we grow both more foolish and wiser at the same time.
Men create their own gods and thus have some slight understanding that they are self-fabricated. Women are much more susceptible, because they are completely oppressed by men; they take men at their word and believe in the gods that men have made up. The situation of women, their culture, makes them kneel more often before the gods that have been created by men than men themselves do, who know what they've done. To this extent, women will be more fanatical, whether it is for fascism or for totalitarianism.
Passion often makes a fool of the cleverest man and often makes the most foolish men clever
Any experience deeply felt makes some men better and some men worse. When it has ended, they share nothing but the recollection of a commitment in which each was tested and to some degree found wanting. [...] The consequences of the journey change the voyager so much more than the embarking or the arrival.
In a society where some people are far more educated than others, in which public education is ill-funded - here I am speaking of the U.S. - while we build more and more prisons to incarcerate youth who ought to be in school, there is already a gap between those with education and those without. Those with educational privilege can be seen as arrogant, remote, alien - and very often they believe themselves superior.
If you ask: What is the good of education? The answer is easy: Education makes good men and good men act nobly.
Owing to the identification of religion with virtue, together with the fact that the most religious men are not the most intelligent, a religious education gives courage to the stupid to resist the authority of educated men, as has happened, for example, where the teaching of evolution has been made illegal. So far as I can remember, there is not one word in the Gospels in praise of intelligence; and in this respect ministers of religion follow gospel authority more closely than in some others.
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