A Quote by Norman Pearlstine

I've always had an interest in geopolitics and macroeconomics. — © Norman Pearlstine
I've always had an interest in geopolitics and macroeconomics.
I think what Bob Shiller and I are doing is we're focusing on macroeconomics and the role of psychology in macroeconomics.
Peter Montiel has long set the highest standard for lucid textbooks on the macroeconomics of developing countries. Now in this new edition of his superb classic Macroeconomics in Emerging Markets, he has surpassed even himself. He uniquely fills the gap between rich-country-obsessed macro- and micro-obsessed developing-country analysis. No student of the macroeconomics of development will henceforward be able to do without this book.
Anybody who says it is in America's interest to not have better relations with Russia doesn't know what they're talking about when it comes to geopolitics.
I've always had an interest in the fashion industry. Fashion advertising and lifestyle branding has always been intriguing and provocative to me. It's not just clothing or style that I had interest in, it was more the marketing side of things that I had intrigue in.
The national interest is predetermined by geopolitics or the history of a country. Important political leaders never just followed their interests - they were concerned about the interests of their people.
I don't think of my books as being biographies. I never had any interest in doing a book just to write the life of a great man. I had zero interest in that. My interest is in power. How power works.
I've always had an interest in business, and my interest in business has really expanded over the years.
I was a sportsman for years. I've always had a physical background. I've always had an interest in boxing and fighting. To get physical in films is a dream. I love it.
My decision to leave applied mathematics for economics was in part tied to the widely-held popular belief in the 1960s that macroeconomics had made fundamental inroads into controlling business cycles and stopping dysfunctional unemployment and inflation.
I'm not a macroeconomics person.
I enjoy working with images of maps, flags, and different cultures around the world. I've always liked geography and geopolitics and it's fun to be able to play with the world political order.
I had always been interested in screenwriting, ever since I could write things down as a child. Obviously, I started as an actor, professionally, but screenwriting was always something that I had a great interest in.
When I started out I thought just hearing one of my records on the radio would be magical. Fortunately, that naivety has always stayed with me. Because when you've had massive success and it tapers off people lose interest in you. So you have to work even harder to generate interest.
The human interest, and the natural interest, and the spiritual interest of this planet need to begin to take a priority over the corporate interest, the military interest, and the materialistic interests.
I always had an interest in fashion, and when I got to the NBA, I felt like I had to up my shoe game.
I've always had an interest in design, and I have always loved creating things.
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