A Quote by Norman Vincent Peale

Remember, there is no situation so completely hopeless that something constructive cannot be done about it. When faced with a minus, ask yourself what you can do to make it a plus. A person practicing this attitude will extract undreamed-of outcomes from the most unpromising situations. Realize that there are no hopeless situations; there are only people who take hopeless attitudes.
Realize that there are not hopeless situations; there are only people who take hopeless attitudes.
There are no hopeless situations, sweetheart, only people who have grown hopeless about them. You still have choices you can make.
There are no hopeless situations; there are only men who have grown hopeless about them.
Hopeless situations are never hopeless to God.
When you're trapped in an abusive home environment you can feel completely hopeless and lost. Remember that situations can change with time, and that it won't be this way forever.
There are seldom, if ever, any hopeless situations, but there are many people who lose hope in the face of some situations.
Hopeless causes are the only ones worth fighting for. The fight for the taxpayer is the most hopeless of them all.
In real life as in grand opera, arias only make hopeless situations worse.
The feelings, myths and prejudices about the Negro American which now seem so valid and real to some of our white contemporaries will take their place on the shelf along with the belief in witches and the notion that the earth is the center of the solar system. Nobody knows as yet whether the future [of the race situation] is hopeless. All we know is that it can be made hopeless, if enough people choose to consider it so.
I've never written a song that's hopeless. I'm not a hopeless person. I'm crazily optimistic. I crazily see the good in people. I crazily see the way out of a terrible situation. I crazily try to be the diplomat. If there are two warring factions in my life, I want them to agree to disagree at the very least.
I feel that belief is such a powerful force that it can spread the light even in the most hopeless situations.
Today there are a lot places where people say they're just hopeless. If I can come from a hopeless country, get an education, become a hyphenated American and become president of the World Bank, it's my moral duty to make sure that every single person on the planet has that opportunity.
A lot of people thought 'Funcrusher' was super dark and hopeless, and I don't think it was hopeless in any way.
I think another [myth] is that some marriages are just hopeless. This is a common thing I hear from people, "Well, I just think there are some marriages that are hopeless, Dr. Chapman, don't you agree with that?" I say I understand the feeling, but the fact is that there are no marriages that are hopeless.
Not only are a voteless people a hopeless people. A non-producing people are hopeless also.
I've never written a song that's hopeless. I'm not a hopeless person. I'm crazily optimistic. I crazily see the good in people. - singer Michael Stipe of R.E.M. Focusing on the tiniest details, finding magic in even the smallest inspirations, embracing the briefest moments-that's where passion is.
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