A Quote by Nouman Ali Khan

The worst expression of the Prophet’s (Sallallahu ‘Alayhi Wa Sallam) anger towards his wife was that he would remain silent. — © Nouman Ali Khan
The worst expression of the Prophet’s (Sallallahu ‘Alayhi Wa Sallam) anger towards his wife was that he would remain silent.
I know that you are a stone, you do not cause benefit or harm; and if it were not that I had seen Allâh’s Messenger (Sallallahu 'Alaihi Wa Sallam) kiss you, I would never have kissed you.
Real leadership is about building people up and empowering them. Many leaders feel that empowering someone else will reduce their own authority. I ask you: When Rasulallah salAllahu alayhi wa sallam empowered the sahaba, did that take away from his authority or did it empower him?
You know how everyone felt like they were the favorite person of Rasulallah salAllahu 'alayhi wa sallam? We need to bring that sunnah into our homes. When we speak to our mother, she should feel that she's the most loved person in our life. When we speak to our wife, she should also get the same feeling. Before we try to change the world, let's bring balance in our homes.
la ilaha il-Allah, wa Muhammadu... (There is no god but God and Muhammed [is His prophet
Wa-wa-wa watch bikinis no top. See my sex sex sex sexy bikinis would drop. Tic-tac-toe don't play me I'll stop. Tonight I will make you mine.
This Ayah indicates that the pious person should express his love to Allah by believing in His Prophet and following the Message, and through obeying the Prophet, abiding by his orders, leaving what he prohibits and obeying all what Allah has revealed to him, because that is the vivid expression of the practical love that fills his whole entity.
When you feel the assaults of passion and anger, then is the time to be silent as Jesus was silent in the midst of His ignominies and sufferings.
A leader is someone who has the courage to say publicly what everybody else is whispering privately. It is not his insight that sets the leader apart from the crowd. It is his courage to act and speak up when everyone else is silent....are those who would rather challenge what needs to change and pay the price than remain silent and die on the inside.
Not even the King himself has the right to subordinate the interests of his country to his own feelings of love or hatred towards strangers; he is, however, responsible towards God and not to me if he does so, and therefore on this point I am silent.
Sometimes a people lose their right to remain silent when pressured to remain silent.
I would rather be attacked than unnoticed. For the worst thing you can do to an author is to be silent as to his works.
A dog barks when his master is attacked. I would be a coward if I saw that God's truth is attacked and yet would remain silent.
God is ever before my eyes. I realize his omnipotence and I fear His anger; but I also recognize his compassion, and His tenderness towards His creatures.
Is there anything on earth which would have meaning and would even change the course of events not only on earth, but in other worlds?” I asked my teacher. “There is,” my teacher answered me. “Well, what is it?” I asked. “It’s...” began my teacher and suddenly fell silent. I stood and waited intently for his answer. But he was silent. And I stood and was silent. And he was silent. And I stood, silent. And he was silent. We’re both standing and silent. Ho-la-la! We’re both standing and silent. Ho-le-le! Yes, yes, we’re both standing and silent! 16-17 July 1937
The Prophet had made dishonorable proposals to my wife... under cover of his asserted 'Revelation.'... Smith told his wife Jane the Lord had commanded that he should take plural wives, to add to his glory... Joseph asked her to give him half her love; she was at liberty to keep the other half for her husband.
Anger cannot be overcome by anger. If someone is angry with you, and you show anger in return, the result is a disaster. On the other hand, if you control your anger and show its opposite - love, compassion, tolerance and patience - not only will you remain peaceful, but the other person's anger will also diminish.
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