A Quote by Novak Djokovic

We spent all day travelling, living away from the people you love, not sleep in our own bed ... We are far from our own houses. We live in hotels, clubs. And now that I am a father it is much more difficult.
People think we're only into big buildings, but iconic houses have always been the real interest. We own 11 of the world's top hotels and all the support services needed to keep them running. Trump properties have to be the best - clubs, hotels, houses.
The Washington black community was able to succeed beyond his wildest dreams. I mean, we had our own newspapers, our own restaurants, our own theaters, our own small shops, our own clubs, our own Masonic lodges.
I am writing this book because we're all going to die - In the loneliness of my own life, my father dead, my brother dead, my mother faraway, my sister and my wife far away, nothing here but my own tragic hands that once were guarded by a world, a sweet attention, that now are left to guide and disappear their own way into the common dark of all our deaths, sleeping in me raw bed, alone and stupid: with just this one pride and consolation: my broke heart in the general despair and opened up inwards to the Lord, I made a supplication in this dream
The thing is, we [celebrities are] all just people living our lives, doing our thing. But, I honestly tend to live in my own little world, and am blissfully unaware of so much.
The more understanding we have about what's going on in our own brain will just make us more capable in our own jobs, in telling our kids we love them, and living a fulfilling life.
Biological family is too small of a vision. Patriotism is far too myopic. A love for our own relatives and a love for the people of our own country are not bad things, but our love does not stop at the border.
Before, I would spend all my hours at training, come home, sleep, eat, watch football, sleep, and go back to training the next day. Now I do the school run, train, pick up my daughter. I am living in the real world. I am a father now. That has given me more satisfaction than football.
There is nothing that deceives us more than our own judgment when used to give an opinion on our own works. It is sound in judging the work of our enemies but not that of our friends, for hate and love are two of the most powerfully motivating factors found among living things.
Perhaps the most difficult task for us to perform is to rely on God’s grace and God’s grace alone for our celebration. It is difficult for our pride to rest on grace. Grace is for other people—for beggars. We don’t want to live by a heavenly welfare system. We want to earn our own way and atone for our own sins. We like to think that we will go to heaven because we deserve to be there.
There's too much judgment out there. Really what we need to be doing is just all of us finding our own paths towards living the best lives we can live as clearly and boldly in accordance with our own personal values. And that's what I'm trying to do.
Instead of hoping that some day the boys' club will open its doors, we can form our own clubs, define 'worthy' our own way, and celebrate the books and voices that we decide deserve celebration.
Wrestling is a very demanding thing. But you're also your own manager. You book your own rental cars, you book your own hotels. You carry your own bags. Your day begins as soon as you wake up, and it ends when you get to bed.
At 14 I had no choice but to live with my brother, on our own, without adults, with all the responsibilities, decisions and day-to-day practicalities of living independently. I had, though, the joy of earning my own money.
Just as we were finishing 'Paul's Boutique' we got our own places, and I was going out to clubs a lot less. I got a bit more introverted and spent a lot more time on my own reading. I would just go down to the esoteric bookstore and wander around.
As writers, we live very much in our own minds much of the time, buzzing in our unconscious spaces as we go about the business of living in the world.
For white men, to live is to own, or to try to own more, or to die trying to own more. Their appetites are astonishing! They own wardrobes, slaves, carriages, houses, warehouses, and ships. They own ports, cities, plantations, valleys, mountains, chains of islands. They own this world, its jungles, its skies, and its seas. Yet they complain that Dejima is a prison. They complain they are not free.
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