A Quote by Og Mandino

The victory of success is half won when one gains the habit of setting goals and achieving them. Even the most tedious chore will become endurable as you parade through each day convinced that every task, no matter how menial or boring, brings you closer to achieving your dreams.
The victory of success is half won when one gains the habit of setting goals and achieving them.
The real value of setting and achieving goals lies not in the rewards you receive, but in the person you become as a result of reaching your goals.
An athlete gains so much knowledge by just participating in a sport. Focus, discipline, hard work, goal setting and, of course, the thrill of finally achieving your goals. These are all lessons in life.
What you get by achieving your goals is not as important as what you become by achieving your goals.
I don't do things half-heartedly. Because I know if I do, I can expect half-hearted results. Most people get it the honest way by setting their goals and committing themselves to achieving their goals. That's the only way I did it anyway. Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence wins championships.
Priorities are the yearly goals that I'm most interested in achieving, then they become operationalized through weekly goals.
Review your goals twice every day in order to be focused on achieving them.
Setting goals is the first important step in achieving success in an activity. It's a reminder of what you are working towards.
Your success in life and work will be determined by the kinds of habits that you develop over time. The habit of setting priorities, overcoming procrastination, and getting on with your most important task is a mental and physical skill. As such, this habit is learnable through practice and repetition, over and over again, until it locks into your subsconscious mind and becomes a permanent part of your behaviour.
The victory of success is half won when one gains the habit of work.
Review your goals twice every day in order to be focused on achieving them. “Focus on your potential instead of your limitations.
Believe in yourself, even if you feel like turning back at times. Don't run away. Little by little you will get closer to achieving your dreams.
The only reason we really pursue goals is to cause ourselves to expand and grow. Achieving goals by themselves will never make us happy in the long term; it's who you become, as you overcome the obstacles necessary to achieve your goals, that can give you the deepest and most long-lasting sense of fulfillment.
I enjoy hard work, I love setting goals and achieving them.
I enjoy hard work; I love setting goals and achieving them.
Life is all about setting yourself goals and then achieving them.
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