A Quote by Oliver Herford

Gather kittens while you may, Time brings only sorrow; And the kittens of today; Will be old cats tomorrow. — © Oliver Herford
Gather kittens while you may, Time brings only sorrow; And the kittens of today; Will be old cats tomorrow.
If you like cats and have some, you get kittens; and if you like kittens and enjoy having them about, they grow up and you get more cats.
Time is what turns kittens into cats.
But buds will be roses, and kittens, cats - more's the pity.
They are presented attractively for the same reason that kittens are cute - so that they can draw you in, then pounce on you for the kill. Seriously. Stay away from kittens.
To the Virgins, To Make much of Time Gather ye rose-buds while ye may, Old Time is still a-flying; And this same flower that smiles today, Tomorrow will be dying. The glorious lamp of heaven, the sun, The higher he’s a-getting, The sooner will his race be run, And nearer he is to setting. That age is best which is the first, When youth and blood are warmer; But being spent, the worse, and worst Times still succeed the former. Then be not coy, but use your time, And while you may, go marry; For having lost but once your prime, You may for ever tarry.
They might be kittens," she said hopefully. "They're stalking us." "They might be shy." "I don't think it's kittens, Valkyrie." "Puppies, then?
Animals are a huge part of my life, so yes, if you are going to be a part of my life, you would need to have the same love for animals. Howard is so great in that aspect and he truly is my partner. We have six resident cats - Walter, Apple, Leon Bear, Charlie Boy, Bella, and Yoda-and we have fostered over fifty kittens in the last year. He even lets the kittens play in his hair! They love it!
Gather ye rose-buds while ye may, Old Time is still a flying: And this same flower that smiles to day, Tomorrow will be dying.
You have to walk through the kennel and check out the older animals before you can get to the puppies and kittens - and let me tell you, sometimes the adopters never make it to the puppies and kittens.
Cats mean kittens, plentiful and frequent.
The ultimate goal of fostering is to get kittens and cats adopted.
Puppies and kittens are both great. Cats and dogs are not for me.
That's the trouble with living things. Don't last very long. Kittens one day, old cats the next. And then just memories. And the memories fade and blend and smudge together.
There's a YouTube video of these two kittens that just fall over and pass out. My blood sugar's crazy, so I would pass out sometimes, like the fainting kittens.
No matter how much cats fight, there always seem to be plenty of kittens.
I'm allergic to cats, so I'm psychologically wired to associating kittens with itchy eyes and popping Claritin.
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