A Quote by Oliver Kahn

If I play, I try to concentrate on producing my best. — © Oliver Kahn
If I play, I try to concentrate on producing my best.
When I start to play a game I try to forget about previous games and try to concentrate on this game. This game is now the most important to me. But of course I am not a computer and you cannot simply press a button, delete, and everything you want to forget disappears automatically. But if you want to play well, it's important to concentrate on the now.
As a player, remember that the bench is not a prison, but an extension of the first group. Concentrate on the quality of your play when you do get into the game. If you play 20 minutes, play the best 20 you can possibly play.
Loyalty is very important when things get a little tough, as they often do when the challenge is great. Loyalty is a powerful force in producing one's individual best and more so in producing a team's best.
I have to concentrate on my job and try to do my best in the things that I know. Coaching the team and trying to have a winning mentality.
I am a bit of a head-in-the-sand person as concerns things happening beyond the walls of my study. And I don't feel particularly guilty about that. I figure that my primary job is producing the very best stories I am capable of writing, and that is what I concentrate upon doing. That is within my control.
I think I know how to try to play the best, and to play the best sometime is to improve.
I've been a good player my whole life and expect to continue to work hard and continue to do everything that I have done and try not to take any steps back. Try to stay the course and be the best player and the best teammate and hopefully the best leader I can be, and play as well as I can.
I try to give my best for the team, help the team, and try and go out there and play the best I can for myself as well.
I focus on making sure I'm sharp, and it doesn't matter who I am fighting. I need to perform at my best and try to elevate my game to the highest level I possibly can, so that is what I concentrate on doing.
I try to play my game; I try my best to recover the ball quickly: that's my job.
You have to decide what's important to you and work it out. When I'm with my family, I try to concentrate on my family and when I'm at work, I try to concentrate on my work.
I play my best when I'm enjoying myself. So whoever I play against, I try to have fun.
I've never had a plan - it was just to try and get with the people you like to play with, and try to do the best you can.
Merlin really taught me how to concentrate, that you play each play as if it were the only play. And if you put all the plays together like that, then you'll come out on top.
I do my best every time I play to put pressure on the manager and try to play more.
Your best ability is availability and if you're not on the field, they can't use you and you don't play. So, I try to play as much football as I can.
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