A Quote by Oliver North

Heroes aren't athletes who set new sports records, or Hollywood actors who make 'daring' films or politicians who make bold promises. Heroes are people who place themselves at risk for the benefit of others.
I'm saying to be a hero is means you step across the line and are willing to make a sacrifice, so heroes always are making a sacrifice. Heroes always take a risk. Heroes always deviant. Heroes always doing something that most people don't and we want to change - I want to democratise heroism to say any of us can be a hero.
I'm saying to be a hero it means you step accross the line and are willing to make a sacrifice, so heroes always are making a sacrifice. Heroes always take a risk. Heroes always deviant. Heroes always doing something that most people don't and we want to change - I want to democratise heroism to say any of us can be a hero.
My heroes are all dead. I've lots of heroes. My mum is a hero. She had to put up with me and my dad. She is one of my heroes. Some of my friends are heroes. There are so many. But heroes usually let you down, don't they? There is people I admire, people I respect.
Heroes do not dwell in a time of peace; heroes are hardened in a kiln against the sorrows. Their troubles sharpen the blade and make it gleaming. The glint becomes a brightness that is raised high on a hill, allowing women and men to see beyond themselves. For light swallows darkness. Truth buries death. Heroes are not born. They are filled by Music.
Heroes exterminate each other for the benefit of people who are not heroes.
Life creates new heroes, and new heroes always find it easiest to beat up on the previous heroes.
Heroes became heroes flaws and all gives us hope. "You mean I don't have to be perfect to fulfill my Dream, to make a contribution?" Hardly. It takes commitment, courage, and passion to live a dream and make a contribution. Heroes had these qualities along with their flaws.
As athletes, we think we're heroes, but when you witness firsthand what I saw yesterday, you realize who the real heroes are.
So, take what's inside you and make big, bold choices and for those who can't speak for themselves, use bold voices and make friends and love well, bring art to this place and make the world better for the whole human race.
Heroes are ordinary people who make themselves extraordinary.
One reason why in Hollywood we are so often inventing heroes is that real heroes are vexing.
My heroes are people who are working hard and trying to make a good living for their families. My heroes are people who put their families first.
Without hesitation, I place Freud among the heroes. He dispossessed the Jewish people of the greatest and most influential of all heroes-Moses.
Most of us are lucky not to be Kings and Heroes, because we do not have to make the choices that Kings and Heroes have to make.
My heroes are those who risk their lives every day to protect our world and make it a better place - police, firefighters and members of our armed forces.
Athletes as role models and heroes is a hoax, a sick hoax. The men and women who are fighting in Iraq, they are the true heroes.
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