A Quote by Olusegun Obasanjo

To feed our people we must first feed our soil — © Olusegun Obasanjo
To feed our people we must first feed our soil
Grain that is used to feed animals that end up on our tables as turkeys and hams could have gone to feed starving people.
We must feed, shelter, and nurture one another as our first priority, and to do so, we must avail ourselves of our best technologies, which have always included some type of genetic modification.
We are fat and sick and dying because we have handed a basic, fundamental and intimate function of life over to corporations. We choose to value our nourishment so little that we entrust it to strangers. This is insanity. Feed yourselves. Feed your loved ones. And for God's sake feed your children.
We draw our strength from the great oaks of the forest. As they take their nourishment from the soil, and from the rains that feed the soil, so we find our courage in the pattern of living things around us. They stand through storm and tempest. They grow and renew themselves. Like a grove of young oaks, we remain strong.
Wealth is not to feed our egos but to feed the hungry and to help people help themselves.
You must feed your mind even as you feed your body, and to make your mind healthy, you must feed it nourishing, wholesome thoughts.
I hate to see the way journalism is devalued: We have to feed the machine; we have to feed the Trump outrage machine, to feed the anger against Trump, to feed the New York liberal anger.
Our starting point is not the individual: We do not subscribe to the view that one should feed the hungry, give drink to the thirsty, or clothe the naked … Our objectives are different: We must have a healthy people in order to prevail in the world.
We've gotten so far away from our food source. It's been hijacked from us. But if you get soil, plant something in it and water it, you can feed yourself. It's that simple.
If we have some pet animals, we should feed them also before taking our food. Perceive God in every living being and feed them with that attitude.
Love is something we must have. We must have it because our spirits feed upon it.
It is winter time! Feed the birds! Teach your children to feed the birds! Request your neighbour to feed the birds! Encourage your friends to feed the birds!
One of the things I think the next president has to do is to stop fanning people's fears. If we spend all our time feeding the American people fear and conflict and division, then they become fearful and conflicted and divided. And if we feed them hope and we feed them reason and tolerance, then they will become tolerant and reasonable and hopeful.
If you feed them, if you feed the children, three square meals a day during the school year, how can you expect them to feed themselves in the summer? ... Wanton little waifs and serfs dependent on the State. Pure and simple.
Love is an energy. You can feed it to people, and they in turn feed it to others, and eventually it comes back.
If you cannot feed one hundred hungry people, then just feed one really well.
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