A Quote by Olusegun Obasanjo

Pope John Paul II not only visited Nigeria twice but stood by the country in its fight against dictatorship and injustice. — © Olusegun Obasanjo
Pope John Paul II not only visited Nigeria twice but stood by the country in its fight against dictatorship and injustice.
An ambassador for peace, Pope John Paul II stood steadfast against communism and condemned discrimination against all people.
For us Catholics, John Paul II will be remembered as a traveling Pope ... and we should also remember he preached world peace. When the United States invaded Iraq, for example, John Paul II said it was an illegal and immoral act.
Pope John Paul II's press secretary, who said, See, if only the Pope were Italian, he woulda shot back! Never got a dinner!
Pope John Paul II stands like a rock against all opposition in his clear enunciation of the foundational principles of the Christian faith.
Public opinion aside, it will be up to the future pope to continue John Paul II's journey to sainthood. Many of the late pope's followers believe he is already there.
Pope John Paul II is the great. Only two other popes had that title. Does that suggest there is going to be a move for canonization?
Pope John Paul would be more popular if he called himself Pope John Paul George and Ringo.
The death of Pope John Paul II led many of different faiths and of no faith to acknowledge their debt to the Roman Catholic Church for holding on to absolutes that the rest of us can measure ourselves against.
In life, as in death, Pope John Paul II was one of the most visible people on Earth.
Pope John Paul II not only was a powerful spiritual leader for Catholics but also a world leader of extraordinary consequence during the last quarter-century.
The last person to be beatified by Pope John Paul II was Mother Teresa of Calcutta in 2003.
In the John Paul II days, Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger had the advantage of staying in his cupboard - the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith - exchanging views only with the Pope, and speaking publicly only through carefully written missives on doctrinal issues.
Pope John Paul II was unquestionably the most influential voice for morality and peace in the world during the last 100 years.
In the annals of history, few men have left a more positive imprint on the world than Pope John Paul II.
George W. Bush, who said to Pope John Paul II, Give us a visit, and bring the missus. Never got a dinner!
We have lost a very important religious figure who dedicated his life to peace and justice for all. [on the death of Pope John Paul II
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