A Quote by Om Puri

As a young man, I was very introverted and quiet, but with a lot of intensity and feelings. — © Om Puri
As a young man, I was very introverted and quiet, but with a lot of intensity and feelings.
When my mum passed away, I was very young, and I became very introverted and very quiet. I became very anxious about what people thought about me.
When I was growing up, I wasn't an extrovert. If anything, I was an introverted kid and a very average pupil at school. I was very quiet.
When I was writing 'Bad Behavior,' I was very, very quiet. I would just sit there and listen to people. And if I was out in public, I was usually quiet, and people tended to assume I was stupid because I was a young, pretty girl who's quiet.
That quiet intensity really brings a lot of confidence to your team and I think intimidates a lot of other teams.
I was a quiet kid. I was very introverted, believe it or not. I never spoke above a whisper. I was always, 'Yes sir.' I was raised that way.
I'm quiet and introverted, and I like to just be by myself a lot. I like to read and just get away and surf. I have a lot of alone time.
I was a very quiet child, quite introverted, really. Independent, yes; I didn't need a lot of supervision. Less so than I did when I got older, maybe. But I was a bookish child, not surprisingly. I could sit quite happily in a corner for hours and entertain myself with books.
If somebody has something negative to say, I'm a very - I won't say introverted, because I'm not introverted - I'm a very, just, calm person.
I grew up very introverted and I'm still a very introverted person, so to me it's about constantly just pushing and pushing out of your comfort zone because that where you're going to grow the most.
I tend to get cast as a certain type of quiet, almost introverted person who's strong on the inside, but the characters are so very different I don't see it as any kind of typecasting.
If you see me performing, you're going, that guy is simply the most extroverted guy I've ever seen. But if you've seen me very often on a daily basis and all the while growing up, I was very, very introverted. Very introverted. So I have sort of the extremes of both of those characteristics.
I'm quiet and introverted, and I like to just be by myself a lot. I like to read, and just get away and surf.
I was a quiet teenager, introverted, full of angst.
I was very shy and I was very introverted as a kid, but whenever I set foot on stage, I kind of opened up, and I think a lot of kids need an outlet to express their creativity. And a lot of kids are scared to do that if there's not a safe environment for that.
I've always been introverted and so from a very young age I would play different scenarios in my head and let my imagination run free.
I'm not a young man, and I can find intensity in a lot of different ways, sometimes without even raising my voice. When I was younger, it was all about how I need three extra sets of lungs to get enough wind to get out the thing at the screaming level I need to, because that's the way it needs to be. Now, I see that there's a whole lot of other colors on the palette.
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