A Quote by Omar Khayyam

Better be jocund with the fruitful Grape Than sadden after none, or bitter, Fruit. — © Omar Khayyam
Better be jocund with the fruitful Grape Than sadden after none, or bitter, Fruit.

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I eat a lot of fruit after I run. I find that hydrates me better than just drinking water. I have fruit already cut up for after a run, so when I'm done I can chow on cantaloupe or watermelon. It's so satisfying, and that probably keeps me from being too hungry for other things.
My favorite fruit is grapes. Because with grapes, you always get another chance. 'Cause, you know, if you have a crappy apple or a peach, you're stuck with that crappy piece of fruit. But if you have a crappy grape, no problem - just move on to the next. 'Grapes: The Fruit of Hope.'
The reason it's called "Grape Nuts" is that it contains "dextrose," which is also sometimes called "grape sugar," and also because "Grape Nuts" is catchier, in terms of marketing, than "A Cross Between Gerbil Food and Gravel," which is what it tastes like.
O Autumn, laden with fruit, and stained With the blood of the grape, pass not, but sit Beneath my shady roof; there thou may'st rest, And tune thy jolly voice to my fresh pipe; And all the daughters of the year shall dance! Sing now the lusty song of fruit and flowers.
You know the type: loud as a motorbike but wouldn't bust a grape in a fruit fight.
The grapevine should be named after a more bitter fruit. It should be called the grapefruit tree.
Of all the beautiful truths pertaining to the soul None is more gladdening or fruitful than to know You can regenerate and make yourself what you will.
It is much more exquisite to be blown from the tree as a flower than to be shaken down as a shriveled and bitter fruit.
To use bitter words, when kind words are at hand, Is like picking unripe fruit when the ripe fruit is there.
To defend Western Europe we have to let the Pentagon buy all these tanks and guns and things, and the Pentagon is unable to buy any object that that costs less than a condominium in Vail. If the Pentagon needs, say, fruit, it will argue that it must have fruit that can withstand the rigors of combat conditions, and it will wind up purchasing the FX-700 Seedless Tactical Grape, which will cost $160,000 per bunch, and will have an 83 percent failure rate.
Let us not be needlessly bitter: certain failures are sometimes fruitful.
He who eats the fruit should at least plant the seed; ay, if possible, a better seed than that whose fruit he has enjoyed.
In life you have a choice: Bitter or Better? Choose better, forget bitter.
I believe that the responsibility of the winemaker is to take that fruit and get it into the bottle as the most natural and purest expression of that vineyard, of the grape varietal or blend, and of the vintage.
Sometimes, pushing against change only makes it push back twice as hard. But even the most bitter fruit may contain something sweet at its core. A taste you would never have encountered if you had not been willing to endure the bitter first.
Let us have wine and woman, mirth and laughter, Sermons and soda water the day after. Man, being reasonable, must get drunk; The best of life is but intoxication: Glory, the grape, love, gold, in these are sunk The hopes of all men, and of every nation; Without their sap, how branchless were the trunk Of life's strange tree, so fruitful on occasion: But to return--Get very drunk; and when You wake with head-ache, you shall see what then.
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