A Quote by Oprah Winfrey

Every choice in life either moves you forward or keeps you stuck. — © Oprah Winfrey
Every choice in life either moves you forward or keeps you stuck.
In Rio de Janeiro, every cop has to make a choice. He either turns dirty, keeps his mouth shut, or goes to war.
Semiotics is really interested in the questions like, what keeps you watching something, what keeps you - you know, what keeps you listening to a story on the radio? Like, what keeps you turning the pages in a book? What's the pleasure of it that's moving you forward, that's pulling you in and grabbing you and pulling you forward?
Every food I choose to eat helps me become more conscious of how it either moves me forward to my fab weight or backward to my flab weight.
I am connected to the past in a way that keeps me going forward. Every leap forward that I make is by reaching back and firmly getting a footing in the past, and pushing forward as hard as I can.
Every choice we make is either a growth choice or a fear choice.
What Donald Trump does - President Trump does is he moves forward. He moves the media. He moves the story forward. He stays in the news. I will tell you, unequivocally, I spoke to him, he's very frustrated about Russia being the focus of everyone's conversations when he would like to focus on other things.
Every story about me is so heavy and dramatic. That's not how I do life. But that's the impression people have, and that's what keeps getting reiterated. As if I'm still stuck in all the muck of the past. And I am so not.
Life moves forward. The old leaves wither, die and fall away, and the new growth extends forward into the light.
In times of adversity - for the country we love - Maryland always chooses to move forward. Progress is a choice. Job creation is a choice. Whether we move forward or back: this too is a choice.
Every single choice we make is either going to enhance the spirit or drain it. Every day, we're either giving ourselves power or taking it away.
Every choice one makes either expands or contracts the area in which he can make and implement future decisions. When one makes a choice, he irrevocably binds himself to the consequences of that choice.
Every choice moves us closer to or farther away from something. Where are your choices taking your life? What do your behaviors demonstrate that you are saying yes or no to in life?
"My #1 guiding principle for a successful life (learned from J Brad Britton): "Do the right thing; not the easy thing." Everyday, you are constantly faced with choices to do either the right thing (any activity that moves you closer to where and who you want to be) or the easy thing (anything else). In every moment of choice, choose to do the right thing over the easy thing, and your becoming successful is inevitable.
My father once told me, and it's stuck with me to this day: As you walk through life, every time you fart it pushes you forward.
You have a choice. Live or die. Every breath is a choice. Every minute is a choice. Every time you don't throw yourself down the stairs, that's a choice. Every time you don't crash your car, you re-enlist.
There's so many good things I have to look forward to in life and new opportunities that arise every day because of my association with Michael Jackson. I mean, he is the gift that keeps on giving.
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