A Quote by Oscar Wilde

By the artificial separation of soul and body men have invented a Realism that is vulgar and an Idealism that is void. — © Oscar Wilde
By the artificial separation of soul and body men have invented a Realism that is vulgar and an Idealism that is void.
Realism is in the work when idealism is in the soul, and it is only through idealism that we resume contact with reality.
Idealism without realism is impotent. Realism without idealism is immoral.
Artificial manures lead inevitably to artificial nutrition, artificial food, artificial animals and finally to artificial men and women.
Women are the only realists; their whole object in life is to pit their realism against the extravagant, excessive, and occasionally drunken idealism of men.
The separation of psychology from the premises of biology is purely artificial, because the human psyche lives in indissoluble union with the body.
It was as if the demise of the owner had lent the flat a physical void it hadn't had before. At the same time he had the feeling that he wasn't alone. Harry believed in the existence of the soul. Not that he was particularly religious as such, but it was one thing which always struck him when he saw a dead body: the body was bereft of something...the creature had gone, the light had gone,there was not the illusory afterglow that long-since burned-out stars have. The body was missing its soul and it was the absence of the soul that made Harry believe.
There is a void in your soul, ready to be filled. You feel it, don't you? You feel the separation from the Beloved. Invite Him to fill you up, embrace the fire.
Death is the separation of soul from body.
There is no realism without an element of idealism.
Idealism and realism meet in the actual.
If death, said my father, reasoning with himself, is nothing but the separation of the soul from the body;--and if it is true that people can walk about and do their business without brains,--then certes the soul does not inhabit there.
Carrying body and soul and embracing the one, Can you avoid separation?
Art is beauty, and every exposition of art, whether it be music, painting, or the drama, should be subservient to that one great end. As long as nature is a means to the attainment of beauty, so-called realism is necessary and permissable [sic], but it must be realism enhanced by idealism and uplifted by the spirit of an inner life or purpose.
Idealism leads to realism if it is strictly thought out.
What I've learned is that life is a balance between idealism and realism.
I have always thought that foreign-policy idealism has to be tempered with realism.
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