A Quote by Oscar Wilde

You have always told me it was Ernest. I have introduced you to every one as Ernest. You answer to the name of Ernest. You look as if your name was Ernest. You are the most earnest-looking person I ever saw in my life. It is perfectly absurd your saying that your name isn't Ernest.
And that's when he finally tells me his name is Ernest. I'm thinking of giving it away, though. Ernest is so dull, and Hemingway? Who wants a Hemingway?
Your problem, it is not here' - he pointed the pen at Max-Ernest's throat - 'it is here' - he pointed the pen at Max-Ernest's chest. 'My heart is heavy, too. But you must be strong. This situation, it is very serious. It is not only Cass's life that is at stake. If she dies, the Secret, it will die too.
Ernest Hemingway called Jospehine the "most sensational woman anyone ever saw." I think all women deserve to be this sensational looking!
There's a great book about that, "The Breaking Point" by Stephen Koch . It won't improve your opinion of [Ernest] Hemingway.
This man is frank and earnest with women. In Fresno, he's Frank and in Chicago he's Ernest.
[Ernest Rutherford is]...a second Newton.
Ernest [Hemmingway] was always ready to lend a helping hand to the one on the rung above him.
Ernest Hemingway was the author I drew inspiration from.
Jack? . . . No, there is very little music in the name Jack, if any at all, indeed. It does not thrill. It produces absolutely no vibrations . . . I have known several Jacks, and they all, without exception, were more than usually plain. Besides, Jack is a notorious domesticity for John! And I pity any woman who is married to a man called John. She would probably never be allowed to know the entrancing pleasure of a single moment’s solitude. The only really safe name is Ernest.
Take down those naked pictures of Ernest Borgnine.
I'd say Ernest Hemingway would be a blast to get drunk with.
Ernest Hemingway was always uneasy in New York and liked being there less than in any other city he frequented.
I've never felt influenced by Ernest Hemingway though I suppose there is something inevitable there.
Keep a copy of 'Islands in the Stream' by Ernest Hemingway on the left hand side of your desk. Keep Fitzgerald's 'The Crack Up' on the right. When you get stuck, pick them up and pretend that they are having a fight, like you used to do with your GI Joes.
I am a huge fan of 'Ready Player One,' and Ernest Cline's book paints the most accurate and vivid portrayal of the metaverse we've built here at Roblox.
'The Sun Also Rises' by Ernest Hemingway is my favorite book. You feel manly reading it.
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