A Quote by Ovid

I attempt a difficult work; but there is no excellence without difficulty.
[Lat., Ardua molimur; sed nulla nisi ardua virtus.] — © Ovid
I attempt a difficult work; but there is no excellence without difficulty. [Lat., Ardua molimur; sed nulla nisi ardua virtus.]
A thankful heart is not only the greatest virtue, but the parent of all the other virtues. [Lat., Gratus animus est una virtus non solum maxima, sed etiam mater virtutum onmium reliquarum.]
Excellence when concealed, differs but little from buried worthlessness. [Lat., Paullum sepultae distat inertiae Celata virtus.]
Nor let a god come in, unless the difficulty be worthy of such an intervention. [Lat., Nec deus intersit nisi dignus vindice nodus.]
That which leads us to the performance of duty by offering pleasure as its reward, is not virtue, but a deceptive copy and imitation of virtue. [Lat., Nam quae voluptate, quasi mercede aliqua, ad officium impellitur, ea non est virtus sed fallax imitatio simulatioque virtutis.]
Scientia potentia est, sed parva; quia scientia egregia rara est, nec proinde apparens nisi paucissimis, et in paucis rebus. Scientiae enim ea natura est, ut esse intelligi non possit, nisi ab illis qui sunt scientia praediti.
Virtue is the highest reward. Virtue truly goes before all things. Liberty, safety, life, property, parents, country, and children are protected and preserved. Virtue has all things in herself; he who has virtue has all things that are good attending him. [Lat., Virtus praemium est optimum. Virtus omnibus rebus anteit profecto. Libertas, salus, vita, res, parentes, Patria et prognati tutantur, servantur; Virtus omnia in se habet; omnia assunt bona, quem penes est vertus.]
Trust not to outward show. [Lat., Fronti nulla fides.]
To freemen, threats are impotent. [Lat., Nulla enim minantis auctoritas apud liberos est.]
Virtue is the only and true nobility. [Lat., Nobilitas sola est atque unica virtus.]
Concerning the dead nothing but good shall be spoken. [Lat., De mortuis nil nisi bonum.]
When a man's life is at stake no delay is too long. [Lat., Nulla unquam de morte cunctatio longa est.]
Virtue consists in avoiding vice, and is the highest wisdom. [Lat., Virtus est vitium fugere, et sapientia prima.]
Money is to be sought for first of all; virtue after wealth. [Lat., Quaerenda pecunia primum est; virtus post nummos.]
None grieve so ostentatiously as those who rejoice most in heart. [Lat., Nulla jactantius moerent quam qui maxime laetantur.]
There's scarce a case comes on but you shall find A woman's at the bottom. [Lat., Nulla fere causa est in qua non femina litem moverit.]
Man proposes, but God disposes. [Lat., Nam homo proponit, sed Deus disponit.]
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