A Quote by Ovid

It is something to hold the scepter with a firm hand.
[Lat., Est aliquid valida sceptra tenere manu.] — © Ovid
It is something to hold the scepter with a firm hand. [Lat., Est aliquid valida sceptra tenere manu.]

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The mind is hopeful; success is in God's hands. [Lat., Sperat quidem animus: quo eveniat, diis in manu est.]
Nay, the greatest wits and poets, too, cease to live; Homer, their prince, sleeps now in the same forgotten sleep as do the others. [Lat., Adde repertores doctrinarum atque leporum; Adde Heliconiadum comites; quorum unus Homerus Sceptra potitus, eadem aliis sopitu quiete est.]
Remember, cobbler, to keep to your leather. [Lat., Memento, in pellicula, cerdo, tenere tuo.]
Dare to do something worth of exile and prison if you mean to be anybody. Virtue is praised and left to freeze. [Lat., Aude aliquid brevibus Gyaris et carcere dignum Si vis esse aliquis. Probitas laudatur et alget.]
Our country is wherever we are well off. [Lat., Patria est, ubicunque est bene.]
To the sick, while there is life there is hope. [Lat., Aegroto dum anima est, spes est.]
The powerful hold in deep remembrance an ill-timed pleasantry. [Lat., Facetiarum apud praepotentes in longum memoria est.]
It is difficult to retain what you may have learned unless you should practice it. -Difficile est tenere quae acceperis nisi exerceas
All inconsiderate enterprises are impetuous at first, but soon lanquish. [Lat., Omnia inconsulti impetus coepta, initiis valida, spatio languescunt.]
It is pleasing to be pointed at with the finger and to have it said, "There goes the man." [Lat., At pulchrum est digito monstrari et dicier his est.]
The gods give that man some profit to whom they are propitious. [Lat., Cui homini dii propitii sunt aliquid objiciunt lucri.]
This is the great evil in wine, it first seizes the feet; it is a cunning wrestler. [Lat., Magnum hoc vitium vino est, Pedes captat primum; luctator dolosu est.]
Haste is slow. [Lat., Festinatio tarda est.]
Out of many evils the evil which is least is the least of evils. [Lat., E malis multis, malum, quod minimum est, id minimum est malum.]
Now, that's enough. [Lat., Ohe! jam satis est.]
To have nothing is not poverty. [Lat., Non est paupertas, Nestor, habere nihil.]
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