A Quote by Owsley Stanley

The faster you can sample sound when you are digitizing it, the higher the frequency, the less phase ambiguity at the higher frequencies. — © Owsley Stanley
The faster you can sample sound when you are digitizing it, the higher the frequency, the less phase ambiguity at the higher frequencies.
I think that, if aliens did exist, they would exist at a higher frequency. Being at a higher frequency, you would have to be more evolved than what we consider to be evolved. If there were aliens, I personally believe they would have to resonate at a higher frequency to be able to time travel, or to blink in and out of dimension.
When I was Elvira, it was probably the phase of my hair getting too high. I thought that if really high hair was good, then really higher hair was even better. So I just started having my hair get higher and higher. In some of the pictures, we had to cut off the picture because it was like Marge Simpson. So that was embarrassing. The wig phase.
The more you use soul communication, the higher level of communication you receive. The more you offer service, the higher your frequency is and the higher level of teaching you receive. Release the wisdom.
Frequency generators have been around for decades. Royal Rife was using frequencies in the 1920's and 1930's to cure cancer. Today there are several machines using frequencies to balance out a person's energy thus eliminating the energetic frequency of the imbalance or disease. When the frequency of the disease you have has been neutralized, the disease goes away. These machines absolutely, 100 percent allow the body to virtually cure all diseases.
While the Environmental Genome Project does not seek to assign allele frequencies, we are aware of the importance of accurate allele frequency estimates for future epidemiologic studies and the large sample sizes such estimates will require.
If you work an extra ten hours to help spread the dharma, this will cause for much faster progression. You're doing something for a higher cause, for a higher ideal.
This is what evolution means--ordered progress; development from poorer to richer, from lower to higher, from less to greater--progress. In the material universe, progress to higher forms; in the moral universe, progress to higher life.
Countries keep on building higher and higher buildings, instead of building higher and higher men!
I live on the other side of Charles Darwin and I can no longer see human light as having been created perfect and falling into sin, I see us rather emerging into higher and higher levels of consciousness and higher and higher levels of complication.
From that day on it was as if Ren freed me from gravity. I was floating in the sky. Higher. Higher. Higher.
...I do like the low frequencies. It's from years and years of observing audiences when they hear a lower frequency coming from an instrument it tends to pull them in. You have to listen a little more attentively. High frequency instruments hit you so hard, after a while the ear has a tendency to want to shut down. And that's what happens. I've been able to observe very carefully how people tend to get very tired of listening to high frequencies a lot.
The difficulty for Mr. Obama will be when the public sees where his decisions lead - higher inflation, higher interest rates, higher taxes, sluggish growth, and a jobless recovery.
I often use a return channel to get some shape out of the bass. It's a good way to split the frequencies of the bass so that the sub bass is clean and in mono and the higher end of the bass sound can be filtered off - have it on an audio channel and that's where you can use effects.
Trying to build a spaceship by making an aeroplane fly faster and higher is like trying to build an aeroplane by making locomotives faster and lighter - with a lot of effort, perhaps you could get something that more or less works, but it really isn't the right way to proceed.
Modern medicine has presented us with a Faustian bargain: Our aging bodies can bankrupt our children and grandchildren. We have run into the 'law of diminishing returns' in health care, where we are often doing more and more, with higher and higher technology, at more and more cost, for less and less benefit.
You can imagine thistle-down so light that when you run after it your running motion would drive it away from you, and that the more you tried to catch it the faster it would fly from your grasp. And it should be with every man, that, when he is chased by troubles, they, chasing, shall raise him higher and higher.
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